Category: In the News

The 2020 National Pro-Life March is a Wrap! Watch the Entire Timelapse Video…
Brenna Lewis | January 25, 2020
The 2020 National Pro-Life March® in Washington D.C. is a wrap! Just so you can get an idea of how BIG the event is, we made sure to capture our traditional time lapse from a nearby rooftop: This March is the largest annual social demonstration in the entire world. No other cause, in no other country, brings together such a

Students for Life Implores Nancy Pelosi Today to Protect Abortion Survivors
Brenna Lewis | January 22, 2020
RIGHT NOW, Students for Life of America is outside the office of Nancy Pelosi to urge her to treat abortion survivors like human beings. SFLA Supportive Services Coordinator Camille Cisneros will be speaking alongside the Staunton Public Policy Center and various other pro-life organizations today to call on Speaker Pelosi to allow a vote on a bill seeking to ban

Stop Pretending ‘Scientists’ Are Always Ethical
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2020
Out of the field of medical research this week comes two very different stories that highlight two very different approaches to ethics. In America, the Trump administration has imposed restrictions on research using fetal tissue. In Mexico, researchers are paying women to get pregnant then abort… for science, of course. Both of these stories deserve some unpacking. Fetal Tissue Research

What is SFLA Doing at the Women’s March on Saturday?
Michele Hendrickson | January 16, 2020
In the last ten minutes alone, I’ve read “Picnic with Piggy” to my daughter for the millionth time, convinced my 4-year-old that butter is not a food group, and finalized my talk for the National Pro-Life Summit! Welcome to the life of a pro-life activist and mother. Since I’m on such a productive roll, I thought I would pause and

Students Rally Against Pro-Abortion Equal Rights Amendment
Brenna Lewis | January 9, 2020
Claire Anderson and a group of pro-life youth went to Richmond, VA on January 8th to testify and rally against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Despite a freezing and snowy day, these students braved the elements to take a stand for life. Following the proceedings, Claire felt called to write up a reflection, which you can read below. What is

Planned Parenthood Lost 400,000 Donors Last Year
Brenna Lewis | January 7, 2020
Planned Parenthood’s repulsive Christmas gift to the country every year is the release of their annual report, which is always full of data points that conflict with their tired rhetoric. This year, among MANY other compelling points, it was revealed that Planned Parenthood lost almost half a million individual donors last year. Jim Sedlak of American Life Leage (ALL) noted,
New Jersey Democrat Switches Parties Then Votes Pro-Life
Brenna Lewis | January 7, 2020
Jeff Van Drew has served as a Democratic legislator in New Jersey since 2008. But when he made the switch from the Senate to the House in 2018, that apparently wasn’t his only change of heart. After over 10 years in New Jersey politics as a Democrat, Van Drew formally switched parties. And it came at a very good time

Diverse Pro-Life Crowd Rallies In Alabama In Support Of Pro-Life Law!
Brenna Lewis | May 23, 2019
Students for Life of America, CEC for Life, Radiance Foundation, 40 Days for Life, and other national and local pro-life groups rallied today on the front steps of the Capitol Building in Montgomery, Alabama to show their support for the Human Life Protection Act. The Pro-Life, Pro-Woman rally featured members of the Pro-Life Generation, local pro-life activists, and people who