Category: In the News

SHOCKING: Planned Parenthood Admits ‘Financial Incentives’ for Baby Body Parts Trafficking
Jessica Nardi | July 16, 2020
The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a new video highlighting Planned Parenthood’s horrifying practice not only of trafficking aborted baby body parts but being driven by the financial incentives behind it.   The video highlights Planned Parenthood’s illegal attempts to sell and profit off aborted babies. David Daleiden of CMP said, “Planned Parenthood lied to the public and to

Planned Parenthood Launches Five-Figure Digital Ad Campaign for Joe BidenÂ
Jessica Nardi | July 15, 2020
Planned Parenthood is throwing in everything they can to get an abortion supporter in the White House this election year. They recently launched a digital ad campaign for presidential candidate Joe Biden, reported by AXIOS as their biggest election effort yet and part of a $45 million investment before the election. In 2016, Hillary Clinton got a mere $30

Federal Judges Can’t Acknowledge That Heartbeats Indicate Life
Brenna Lewis | July 14, 2020
The state of Georgia garnered national attention in 2019 with their attempt to pass a “heartbeat bill,” legislation that would prohibit abortion when baby’s heartbeat can be detected. A parallel situation just occurred in Tennessee when the court immediately blocked their heartbeat bill minutes after its signing by the governor. The ACLU (supposedly the ‘American Civil Liberties Union’) can chalk up
5 Pro-Life Quotes From Kanye West on AbortionÂ
SFLA Staff | July 14, 2020
Rapper Kanye West’s announcement that he intends to run for president in this upcoming election cycle is not the only statement that has launched him into the public eye again. Since his recent conversion to Christianity, West has spoken out against abortion in several interviews. While it remains to be seen if this change in attitude is permanent, West’s newfound

Planned Parenthood Vows to Force Catholic Nuns to Fund Abortions
Jessica Nardi | July 14, 2020
It’s always a similar story – a pro-life victory happens and Planned Parenthood comes out threatening to undo it. Sad, but unsurprising. After the Supreme Court implemented President Trump’s pro-life order — protecting the Little Sisters of the Poor from being forced to fund abortions — Planned Parenthood’s CEO Alexis McGill Johnson said the ruling “is egregious — people

Pregnancy Care Center Opens Near Largest Planned Parenthood Facility in Texas
SFLA Staff | July 13, 2020
One of the largest Planned Parenthood abortion centers in Texas now has to compete with the life-affirming services being offered by its newest neighbor. The Prestonwood Pregnancy Center has decided to move its southwest Dallas location across from the notorious abortion provider to remind pregnant women that help is available. The pro-life organization offers practical support to women at no

“Abortion is Safer Than Childbirth” is an Impossible Claim: Here’s Why
Brenna Lewis | July 10, 2020
Ever heard the pro-choice talking point “abortion is safer than childbirth?” This perverted fear tactic, in every single instance of its use, is a total farce. And the reason is very simple. There is no national abortion reporting law in America. No, seriously. Many states report nothing at all. Most data we have about abortion is because abortion facilities

New Gallup Poll – One in Four Americans Believe Abortion is a Key Issue for VotersÂ
Jessica Nardi | July 9, 2020
A new Gallup poll reports that more pro-life Americans will not vote for candidates who support abortion and almost half of Americans consider abortion to be a key issue for voters.   According to the poll, the number of Americans (24%) who consider abortion a threshold issue — meaning the candidate must share their views — has increased significantly from
Victory: Democrats Take Their Sights Off Hyde Amendment (For Now)
Jessica Nardi | July 9, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently announced that the Democratic House has decided not to try to end the Hyde Amendment during the election year. Pelosi has long been pushing to end the Hyde Amendment — a legislation in place since 1976 to protect taxpayers from being forced to fund abortions. While this is good news for the pro-life movement

Pro-Choice Media are Fibbing Big-Time About Supreme Court Birth Control Case
Brenna Lewis | July 9, 2020
There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the Supreme Court’s recent decision not to force businesses to provide contraception for employees (as part of the Affordable Care Act) if it goes against their religious/moral convictions. The case is Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania. And most of this confusion has been intentionally fabricated by pro-choice media. In a 7-2