Category: In the News

Pro-Choice Media are Fibbing Big-Time About Supreme Court Birth Control Case
Brenna Lewis | July 9, 2020
There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the Supreme Court’s recent decision not to force businesses to provide contraception for employees (as part of the Affordable Care Act) if it goes against their religious/moral convictions. The case is Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania. And most of this confusion has been intentionally fabricated by pro-choice media. In a 7-2
President Trump Signs Executive Order to Improve Foster Care System
SFLA Staff | July 9, 2020
Last month, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to strengthen the child welfare system. The order identified several barriers that prevent foster kids from finding a permanent home. By laying out three specific goals, the order provides a clear plan on how this administration intends to aid youth trapped in the system. “Every child deserves a family,” the order

Pro-Choice ‘Watchdog’ Organization Accidentally Promotes Pro-Life Views
Jessica Nardi | July 6, 2020
It’s a glorious day when abortion activists end up doing our job for us. Most of them take for granted the intellectual justifications for the pro-life movement, because, as we know, the most profound pro-choice philosophies come from bumper stickers and pink hats. Such was the case in Media Matters’s latest two pro-abortion pieces–the first criticizing pro-life advocates for

Planned Parenthood Wants to Counter ‘Systemic Racism’ by Giving African-Americans More Birth Control
Jessica Nardi | July 6, 2020
Planned Parenthood announced its new solution for business owners to counter “systemic racism” — free birth control! The Business for Birth Control 2020 campaign was released on June 23, beginning as “a movement of solidarity from 12 national companies affirming their employees’ birth control coverage as an essential part of their health insurance plans…” What does this have to

Poll Claims Gen Z Is Having a Hard Time Registering to Vote. Here’s How
SFLA Staff | July 2, 2020
Generation Z (Zoomers) has generated massive political energy recently by leading nationwide protests. Many are wondering if this civic enthusiasm will lead to a higher voter turnout for young people, and those who have been influenced by their message. With more young Americans becoming eligible to vote, the November presidential election could be impacted. Generation Z is expected to account

Democratic Senator Responsible for Louisiana Abortion Law Denounces Supreme Court Ruling
SFLA Staff | July 1, 2020
Democratic Louisiana State Senator Katrina Jackson was horrified by the stories of Louisiana abortion facilities subjecting women to deplorable conditions. Sitting on the Louisiana Health and Welfare Committee, Jackson was shocked to learn the state’s primary abortion clinic in Baton Rouge had a decade-long history of subjecting women to substandard care. Jackson’s “Unsafe Abortion Protection Act” from 2014 mandated that

The Best (and Worst) of the Supreme Court’s Decision on Louisiana’s Abortion Law
Brenna Lewis | June 30, 2020
The Supreme Court just handed down a ruling in the June Medical Services v. Gee case that was a degrading loss for women in Louisiana. The case was regarding safety standards and whether or not Louisiana had the right to require their abortion facilities to adhere to some, such as admitting privileges to a nearby hospital. In other words, the case didn’t

Supreme Court Decides That Abortion Facilities Don’t Have to Follow Rules
Brenna Lewis | June 29, 2020
Earlier today, the Supreme Court finally handed down a ruling on a case we’ve been following very closely: the Louisiana abortion law that requires abortion facilities to follow basic health and safety rules. The case is June Medical Services LLC v. Russo.It’s disappointing to share that they decided to cave in to the abortion lobby and set a precedent to allow abortion facilities

The Abortion Industry Increases Push for Chemical Abortion During COVID-19
Jessica Nardi | June 29, 2020
A recent NY Times article called the lack of abortions considered “essential” during COVID-19 an “obstacle course” for women’s health. Mentioning that in March the U.K. lifted safety restrictions to make chemical abortion pills more accessible during COVID-19, the British Pregnancy Advisory service has now launched a “pills by post” program for at-home abortions. They advertise “DIY abortions” requiring

The GOP Decided to Keep 2016’s Platform: What’s in it for LIFE?
Jessica Nardi | June 29, 2020
The Republican Party’s platform is unyielding in its defense of the dignity of preborn human life. While the Democratic Party continues to override abortion restrictions in its platform, the GOP hasn’t changed any of their positions on life since its decision to keep its 2016 platform. This means the pro-life movement can rest assured that the party will continue