Category: college

Students in Washington Speak Out Against Pornographic Sex Ed
Brenna Lewis | March 16, 2020
My name is Miles Wiley. I am a college student at Centralia College and President of the Students for Life group on my campus. I was able to be at the recent hearing about ESSB 5395, a comprehensive sex ed bill, at the Washington State Capital. I am adamantly against ESSB 5395 for many reasons. This bill forces school districts

Pro-Choice College Student Changes Mind, Becomes Pro-Life Leader After Learning More About The Pro-Life Movement
Brenna Lewis | March 16, 2020
Kristin Turner describes herself as a liberal college student and up until last year, she considered herself a feminist and a pro-choicer. She even used to think the pro-life position was sexist. But she changed her mind on abortion and is now the leader of a Students for Life group at Shasta College in California, a group she started. Turner

These Two Doctors Debated about Assisted Suicide
Brenna Lewis | March 16, 2020
Earlier this month, students and community members in Oregon attended a Physician Assisted Suicide debate at Chemeketa Community College. Group members chose to host this debate due to recent attempts by lawmakers to expand practices within the state. This “Life and Death Debate” featured Dr. William Toffler, a physician opposed to all unnatural terminations of life. The opposing Physician, Dr. Peter

Students for Life of America To Continue Campus Outreach Using Online Platforms
Brenna Lewis | March 16, 2020
Amidst the coronavirus crisis and the ensuing campus shutdowns, Students for Life of America is continuing to reach out to students on campus and to change hearts and minds using online platforms. We plan on having more details soon, but we can share some information now: ACTION STEP ONE: While many students are no longer able to have one-on-one conversations

Top 8 (Pro-Life) Things to do During Coronavirus
Brenna Lewis | March 16, 2020
COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, is forcing us all indoors, off campus, and into a virtual quarantine. While many schools are moving to online classes or determining a move in that direction in the coming weeks, we at SFLA decided to go ahead and create a plan for the Pro-Life Generation to go digital. So, here’s our advice on how to take advantage of all this extra time on your laptop and continue to be

Pro-Life Republicans and Pro-Life Democrats Have To Work Together and Support One Another
Brenna Lewis | March 16, 2020
Students for Life of America is a non-partisan organization. Our goal is to abolish abortion by making abortion both illegal and unthinkable. As we head into 2020, people are beginning to think about who to support for not just the President, but also for all levels of government. And while most of the pro-life candidates for office are Republican, there

Students For Life Just Trained Its 100,000th Student
Brenna Lewis | March 13, 2020
Students for Life of America has been training and mobilizing the pro-life generation since 2009 to abolish abortion. There were times when the team was small and we had only a few hundred groups. Now 11 years later, we are up to over 1,225 groups across the country, including high school, college, med, and law groups. And just this week,

Students for Life Launches Men’s Fellowship To Engage Men in the Fight to Protect Mothers and Preborn babies
Brenna Lewis | March 12, 2020
“For too long, pro-choicers have been trying to silence pro-life men who also have a stake in the struggle to protect the next generation. No human rights issue has ever been solved by excluding 50% of the population, and abortion is no different. We are excited to offer this great opportunity for training,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for

NPR: Pro-Life Laws Are Effective In Abolishing Abortion
Brenna Lewis | March 12, 2020
An article posted today by NPR concedes that pro-life laws are effective in reducing and abolishing abortion. They write: “Missouri could soon become the first state in the nation without a clinic providing abortions, but Planned Parenthood officials say the last remaining one there has already all-but ceased performing the procedure. The clinic, Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood of the St.

APPLY NOW: Students For Life Launches National Leaders Collective
Brenna Lewis | March 12, 2020
Students for Life of America is launching a National Leaders Collective this summer to bring together the top 200 students who have shown a dedication to the pro-life movement and abolishing abortion. And they want to see YOU there! The opportunity involves an opportunity for you to… network with other pro-life leaders spend a week in D.C. (all expenses paid!)