Category: Blogroll

New Mexico Is About To Protect Pregnant And Parenting Employees From Discrimination
Brenna Lewis | January 30, 2020
House Bill 025 in New Mexico is an important piece of legislation to protect pregnant and parenting employees in New Mexico. It is similar to legislation supported by Students for Life Action in Kentucky last year. Christina Coffman, the Rocky Mountains Regional Coordinator for Students for Life (which includes New Mexico and Colorado) stated, “On behalf of pro-life students in

Facing Pressure From Pro-Lifers, Pro-Abortion Politician Abstains From Voting For Pro-Abortion Law
Brenna Lewis | January 30, 2020
We’ve been critical of Virginia delegate Joshua Cole before, particularly for his pro-abortion views and his association with abusive men like actor Alec Baldwin. But facing pressure from pro-lifers, Delegate Joshua Cole skipped a vote to allow non-doctors to commit abortions; although he is listed as being not present, he walked out of the delegate floor instead of going on

Kansas Students Help Advocate For Constitutional Amendment Protecting The Preborn
Brenna Lewis | January 30, 2020
Kansas Students for Life, including state captains, rushed to the state capitol yesterday to help advocate for a constitutional amendment to protect the preborn and to stop activist judges from writing laws in the state. The Value Them Both Amendment would ensure that voters and legislators, not state judges, write laws, as is mandated by the separation of powers. Ichabods
Pro-Infanticide Virginia Governor Likely To Sign Legislation That Enriches Abortion Industry
Brenna Lewis | January 30, 2020
The pro-infanticide, disgraced governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, is likely to sign recently passed legislation (after his disgraced lieutenant governor Justin Fairfax cast the tie-breaking vote) that would strip away important pro-life protections and help women make informed choices. The bill, Senate Bill 733, does several things, including “remov[ing] Virginia’s requirement that only doctors may perform abortion in order to

10 Horrifying Stories of Abusive Men Weaponizing Chemical Abortion Against Women
Brenna Lewis | January 29, 2020
There is increasing incidence of men maliciously and covertly using mifepristone on women they have impregnated. They do so after either unsuccessfully trying to convince women to abort or feigning enthusiasm about the pregnancy. The victims wanted to give birth and their boyfriends tried to use or used abortion drugs to kill the baby without the women’s knowledge and against

Kansas Students Lobby Against Constitutional “Right to Abortion”
Brenna Lewis | January 29, 2020
Today, the Kansas State Senate will vote on the “Value Them Both” amendment to the state constitution. Why do we need this? Because last year, a Kansas Supreme Court ruling established a constitutional “right to abortion”. The “Value Them Both” amendment will protect babies, it will protect women, and it will see that mothers can continue to be mothers. (Common

Could We Be Witnessing a Pro-Life Revolution?
Brenna Lewis | January 29, 2020
Guest Post by Victoria Robinson, Save the Storks I’ve been involved in the pro-life cause for over two decades. For twenty years, I worked as the CEO/Executive Director of three separate pregnancy resource centers (PRC’s) in North Carolina and Tennessee. After a much-loved career, I felt called to make a change so as to reach a wider audience with the
This Catholic College Includes ABORTION in Student Insurance Plan
Brenna Lewis | January 29, 2020
Manhattan College in Riverdale, NY is a Lasallian Catholic College. On their website, they note: “We are a Lasallian catholic college offering a transformative education that touches your mind and heart. We strive to promote faith, respect, education, community and social justice” “Hundreds of years later, De La Salle’s mission inspires us today. We continue to live out the five

Pro-Life Students Convince Democratic Voter To Vote Pro-Life First In Special Election
Brenna Lewis | January 29, 2020
Yesterday, around 10 pro-life students in Texas passed out hundreds of fliers that simply explained where the candidates stood on abortion in a special state house race in Texas’ 28th district. Thanks partially to their efforts, voters elected pro-life Gary Gates over NARAL-endorsed Eliz Markowitz. Ana Garza, a Students for Life leader at Houston Baptist University said, “I was never

These 2 Christian Colleges are Promoting Planned Parenthood
Brenna Lewis | January 29, 2020
Planned Parenthood targets college students nationwide with abortion advertising. Their message? You can’t do it. You can’t finish your education and manage a pregnancy or parent a child. That message is wrong on so many levels, feminism being a major one. So, in this way, it’s wrong for any school to be promoting the abortion giant that sells abortions and profits from