Category: Blogroll

5 Valentine’s Ideas for Students for Life Groups
Brenna Lewis | February 6, 2020
Ghandi said, “Where there is love, there is life.” And he couldn’t have been any more right! The pro-life movement is the movement of love. And that’s why February is FULL of ready-made ideas for group events and activities. If you’re part of a pro-life group on campus… check these out! Group Event & Activity Ideas #1 Table on Campus

Kansas Medical Student Testifies in Favor of Pro-Life Amendment
Brenna Lewis | February 6, 2020
Things are heating up in Kansas as citizens and legislators battle over whether or not to value preborn Kansans as people. Last year, a Kansas Supreme Court made the egregious ruling that abortion was a “constitutional right” in the state. Since then, pro-life advocates have fired back with the proposal of a “Value Them Both” amendment – a plea to

Pro-Lifers Organize En Masse To Defend Human Life In Florida
Brenna Lewis | February 5, 2020
Abortion activists are once again going overboard, this time in Florida they are trying to stop parents from being involved in the decisions their underage, teen daughters make with their unplanned pregnancies. This is the same Florida abortion lobby that employed a lobbyist who supported infanticide, for what it’s worth. So they probably weren’t ready for a large pro-life lobby

HORRIFYING: Retirement Community ‘Chaplain’ Advocates For Assisted Suicide
Brenna Lewis | February 5, 2020
Put John Lionberger on the list of people I wouldn’t allow near my elderly relatives. The city of Evanston is considering passing a resolution in support of assisted suicide. This is so, according to their state representative Robyn Gabel, she can better advocate for state-wide assisted suicide in Illinois. The state already legalized abortions up until the moment of birth,

NARAL Spreads Misinformation About ‘Support’ For Abortion
Brenna Lewis | February 5, 2020
The abortion industry would not exist if they could not lie, so it’s not surprising that the leading infanticide lobby group, NARAL, regularly spreads misinformation on its social media. During major media events, like the State of the Union, their propaganda machine goes into full gear, as they know President Trump will use his platform to highlight the dignity of
President Trump: ‘We Must Immediately End Late-Term Abortions’
Brenna Lewis | February 5, 2020
President Trump once again used his platform at the State of the Union to advocate for the preborn and to strongly denounce the culture of death. After highlighting Ellie Schneider, a now-healthy girl who is one of the earliest survivors of premature birth, Trump made the obvious connection–Ellie, and all babies no matter their race, gender, or medical condition, deserve

President Trump Uses State of the Union To Highlight One Of The Youngest Survivors Of Premature Birth
Kristi Hamrick | February 4, 2020
Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action Applaud President Trump for Holding Out a Helping Hand to Mothers and their Children through paid family leave And Celebrates Special Guest, One of the Youngest Babies to Survive early birth.  “Young families deserve the kind of support found in programs that allow them to use their own resources

A Post-Roe America Needs Paid Leave for Families
Brenna Lewis | February 4, 2020
In the wake of the first-ever Presidential appearance at the National Pro-Life March® and multiple solid pro-life actions of the Trump Administration (defunding Planned Parenthood of $60 million, appointing hundreds of pro-life judges, and advocating for life before the U.N., to name a few), pro-life advocates are anticipating more support for life during tonight’s State of the Union Address. Students

Students for Life Group Settles Lawsuit Over Unfair Fee Allocation
Brenna Lewis | February 4, 2020
“Schools cannot use the power of the purse to punish students who value mothers as well as their preborn babies,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. SAN DIEGO, CA and FREDERICKSBURG, VA (02-04-20) —  Students for Life of America announced a successful settlement of a free-speech lawsuit against California San-Marcos over their unfair allocation of student fees, in which despite large payments to other groups
Washington Post Publishes List Of Bernie Sanders’ Pro-Abortion Executive Orders
Brenna Lewis | February 3, 2020
Recently, the Washington Post published a supposed list of executive orders that Bernie Sanders, the independent, democratic socialist, Senator from Vermont would sign if elected president. Some of the executive orders would be on the wish list of the abortion industry and groups like Planned Parenthood: Reversing the Protect Life Rule, which bars groups that receive Title X family planning funding