Category: Blog

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Spent His Good Friday Signing Pro-Abortion Legislation
Brenna Lewis | April 14, 2020
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s public relations campaign continues to be the worst in the game, as he decided that Good Friday was a good day to sign into law SB 733, legislation that makes it easier for non-doctors to commit abortions. The legislation also loosens other common-sense regulations on abortion. reports, “the bill eliminates all of the procedures and

Our Med & Law Speaker Tour Just Went DIGITAL
Lori Cascio | April 9, 2020
After 14 successful events on campuses around the country, the Med and Law Speaking Tour is going digital for the remainder of the spring semester. Monday, March 23rd, St. Louis University School of Law hosted Samuel Green from Alliance Defending Freedom to kick-off virtual presentations. There are 2 upcoming opportunities for students in both fields, alongside undergrad students, to meet and hear from speakers who will address aspects of the medical and legal side of abortion that have

#Why Feminists Exclude Certain Women from their Movement
Brenna Lewis | April 9, 2020
Ever ask #Why feminists exclude some women from their movement? Be the first to watch the new episode of our video series, #Why, with Rebecca Gosper from LifeChoice Australia to find your answer. Today’s feminists don’t care about women. How could they when they turn a blind eye to abortion – both its impacts and its victims. Feminists attack women

Police Go After Law-Abiding Pro-Lifers, Not Law-Breaking Abortion Escorts
Brenna Lewis | April 9, 2020
John Mark Porter is a Senior at the University of South Carolina and former president of that University’s Pro-Life student organization, Advocates for Life. Many of the students from that organization serve as volunteer counselors and intern at the local sidewalk counseling ministry. On Tuesday morning in Columbia, South Carolina, I and four other sidewalk counselors were forced to leave

Over 180 Floridians Urge City Council To Reject New Abortion Facility
Brenna Lewis | April 9, 2020
Port St. Lucie residents, and pro-lifers across the state of Florida, have remained active in urging the city of Port St. Lucie to not allow a new abortion facility to open. Recently, they have sent nearly 200 e-mails to the Mayor of Port St. Lucie, urging him to not allow a new Planned Parenthood abortion facility in the city. Using

Planned Parenthood Closes 12 Facilities In New York
Brenna Lewis | April 9, 2020
Planned Parenthood of New York recently announced that 12 of its “health centers” will at least temporarily close due to a budget crunch brought on by the coronavirus. It’s unclear how many of those health centers commit abortions, but an article notes that access to abortion will decrease due to the closures, so presumably some, if not all, of those

This Students for Life Group Made 3 BIG Changes on Campus
Brenna Lewis | April 8, 2020
The Students for Life group at the University of St. Francis has worked very hard this year to build bridges, find common ground, and create resources on campus that will help parenting students find success! Their journey to assist pregnant and parenting students began when the group decided to join a “diversity roundtable” on campus. The goal of the meeting

Pro-Life Students Use Digital Engagement Platform To Save A Baby From Abortion!
Brenna Lewis | April 8, 2020
This week, the Students for Life team learned about another baby save that was cultivated through participation in our National TALK Campaign. Pro-life students across the nation have dedicated themselves to talking more about abortion in an effort to help their peers – especially their pro-abortion or undecided peers – understand the truth about abortion. A student from Western

Embattled WHO Pushes Taxpayer-Fund Abortions
Brenna Lewis | April 8, 2020
“Using the coronavirus crisis to push abortion is political opportunism at its worst,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “Abortion is not a cure for pregnancy or the coronavirus, but rather than directing their efforts at problem solving, the WHO has taken a side job as an abortion lobbyist.” WASHINGTON D.C. (04-06-2020) – Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins called the World

Great! Washington State Governor Vetoes Legislation To Possibly Expand Assisted Suicide
Brenna Lewis | April 8, 2020
Governor Jay Inslee (D), recently vetoed legislation to study barriers to residents accessing assisted suicide, which is understood as a step towards making assisted suicide even easier to achieve. The News-Tribune reported that Inslee vetoed several spending items in order to save money for the efforts to fight the coronavirus and shore up the state’s budget. They reported, “Bracing for a