2,556 Post-Abortive Women Tell The Supreme Court To Allow Pro-Life Law To Stand
Brenna Lewis | January 2, 2020
The abortion industry often claims they are the ones fighting for women’s health and supporting women. But a group of post-abortive women just annihilated that claim in an amicus brief to the Supreme Court, in support of Louisiana’s law which requires abortion facilities to meet the same basic health and safety standards as ambulatory surgical centers. The abortion industry opposes

The Abortion Industry Wants Rapists To Bring Their Underage Victims In For Abortions
Brenna Lewis | January 2, 2020
Have you ever heard this, “Pro-lifers want 11-year-old girls to be forced to carry their rapist’s baby“? It’s commonly uttered after states pass strong pro-life laws, like in Alabama. And while it’s a strong emotional argument, it goes far past the basic premise of the laws, which is that all human life has dignity. That situation is horrifying–and thankfully rare,

Diverse Pro-Life Crowd Rallies In Alabama In Support Of Pro-Life Law!Â
Brenna Lewis | May 23, 2019
Students for Life of America, CEC for Life, Radiance Foundation, 40 Days for Life, and other national and local pro-life groups rallied today on the front steps of the Capitol Building in Montgomery, Alabama to show their support for the Human Life Protection Act. The Pro-Life, Pro-Woman rally featured members of the Pro-Life Generation, local pro-life activists, and people who

READ: Letter to GOP From Pro-Life Leaders On Why All Lives Matter
Caroline Wharton | May 22, 2019
Dear Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel, As a matter of political expediency at the beginning of the national abortion debate, many politicians coalesced around the idea of the three exceptions of opposition to abortion, now found in the Hyde Amendment. As you know, Hyde allowed for abortions to be paid for by taxpayers in the cases of rape, incest and when
National Pro-Life Chalk Day!
staff | September 15, 2014
Are you ready to help save lives on your campus with very little money and while having fun at the same time? Get ready for National Pro-Life Chalk Day, happening across the country in just a few weeks on Thursday, October 2nd. We have always found that our student pro-life groups love National Pro-Life Chalk Day and get really creative