Category: Uncategorized

Rape Survivor Speaks Out, Tells Abortion Lobby to Stop Using Rape & Incest as Excuses
Caroline Wharton | October 29, 2022
The abortion lobby loves to use rape and incest as a cudgel against the pro-life movement both by telling the Pro-Life Generation that they should be raped and by saying that abortion is the basically the cure for sexual assault. Their argument, however, completely skips over the humanity of the preborn, and two Students for Life of America (SFLA) members

SFLA’s Exciting New Partners in the Post-Roe Generation Accelerator Program
Caroline Wharton | October 27, 2022
Students for Life of America (SFLA) has been looking for innovative organizations to partner with in embracing a Post-Roe America through collaboration on culture-changing ideas — and we have found not one, but two amazing organizations. Drum roll, please; here are the two organizations SFLA will be newly partnering with: Abortion Survivors Network The Abortion Survivors Network (ASN) is the only

This is How the Pro-Life Movement Saves Babies: Truth, Love, & Support
Caroline Wharton | October 26, 2022
GUEST POST: I recently had the opportunity to present a pro-life training to a church youth group, and I will never forget what happened afterwards. This story represents exactly why we in the pro-life movement do what we do — here’s what happened: In the midst of building the coalition for the Naples Campaign for Abortion Free Cities, I

How My SFLA Group Countered & Took Back Campus Culture During a Pro-Abortion Event
Caroline Wharton | October 26, 2022
GUEST POST: Earlier this semester, a graduate student forwarded me an email she had received from STEM-oriented graduate groups asking for support for an “Abortion Day of Action” on campus that they were planning. This event would include table displays about abortion access, theatrical performances, a march around campus, and most concerningly, a petition to offer Chemical Abortion pills at

The Abortion Lobby’s Best & Brightest: Pro-Abortion Ad Uses Sex Offender Abortionist With Malpractice Lawsuits
Caroline Wharton | October 26, 2022
No one represents a cause more than a carefully chosen spokesperson, and this fact couldn’t be better illustrated than with Dr. Adam Levy, the spokesperson of a recent pro-abortion campaign ad as he absolutely embodies the abusive, anti-healthcare atrocity that is the abortion lobby. While producers of this ad have come under fire for choosing Dr. Levy, selecting him was

Hooray For National Chalk Day: Announcing Our 2022 Nominations
Caroline Wharton | October 25, 2022
Once a year, the Pro-Life Generation participates in National Pro-Life Chalk Day; a day in which life-affirming messages and designs are chalked around school campuses and communities. To make this day of creative pro-life activism even more fun, Students for Life of America (SFLA) always picks our top ten winners — and this year, it was pretty hard to choose.

This SFLA Stevens Fellow Created a Pro-Life-Themed Homecoming Float — And It’s Adorable
Caroline Wharton | October 25, 2022
GUEST POST: As a sophomore at Noblesville High School in central Indiana, running my Noblesville Students for Life of America (SFLA) group is my favorite activity. Even though I have received a lot of hate and bullying for being pro-life, pro-life activism still holds a near and dear place in my heart because it is so important to be a

Blatant Vandalization on Campus During Post-Roe Cemetery of the Innocents Tour
Caroline Wharton | October 25, 2022
GUEST POST: Our Post-Roe Cemetery of the Innocents kicked off with support and outrage, thumbs up and middle fingers, group sign-ups and murmurs — you name the reaction, we had it! We were reminded once again that it is easy to get the abortion conversation going when 1,666 crosses representing the number of daily abortions fill the center of campus.

The Losers of National Pro-Life Chalk Day: The Abortion Lobby
Caroline Wharton | October 25, 2022
Across the country, Students for Life of America (SFLA) groups recently participated in the 2022 National Pro-Life Chalk Day, and nationwide, members of the abortion lobby did their best to thwart these artistic representations of life — acting as though chalk was Public Enemy Number One. In case you missed seeing these vandalizations on the SFLA social media pages, here

A Week of Pro-Life Activism Brought to Campus by a Wilberforce Fellow
Caroline Wharton | October 24, 2022
GUEST POST: At Marian University, our Students for Life of America (SFLA) campus group called the “Knights for Life” recently hosted a special “Week for Life” by throwing special events to support the mission of the pro-life movement. Throughout the week, participation from our group officers and 70 other members proved to make a statement on Marian’s campus with other