Category: Supporters

Pro-Abortion Bernie Supporter Verbally Attacked Me
Brenna Lewis | February 21, 2020
The Bernie rally that my club was protesting at the University of Nevada Las Vegas was just wrapping up when I locked eyes with a girl about 100 feet away who looked ready to fight. As it turned out, she stomped towards myself and my fellow UNLV Rebels for Life (University of Nevada Las Vegas) group member and shouted those

A Mind-Changing Dialogue with a National Pro-Life March Protestor
Stephanie Stone | February 18, 2020
I have attended the National Pro-Life March in D.C. since I was 12 years old. However, as a child, and eventually as a student, the passion and courage that swept over me whenever I’d march next to those who felt the same as I did, sometimes would hide itself whenever I was faced with a challenger.  I was shy. And who could blame me?

Students for Life Launches New “Heart to Heart” Campus Tour!
Brenna Lewis | February 17, 2020
Every semester, Students for Life of America does a campus “tour” display – an interactive, educational banner setup about a specific pro-life topic. This semester, we created a new display – the Heart to Heart Tour. And it launches today (February 17th, 2020) with its first stop at Wichita State University in Kansas. Debate about abortion has dominated recent news

Pro-Life OB/GYNs Criticize Medical Trade Group For Ignoring Science
Brenna Lewis | February 17, 2020
The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) criticized the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) for always intervening to support pro-choice laws and ignoring the Hippocratic Oath, in an amicus brief in the Gee Supreme Court case. AAPLOG asserts that ACOG’s opinion has been given too much weight in court filings and that they do not speak

Colorado House Committee Rejects Medical Care For Abortion Survivors
Brenna Lewis | February 17, 2020
A Colorado House committee voted last week against requiring doctors to provide medical care for babies born alive after abortion. It comes at the same time that Senator Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska) led a Senate committee hearing on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protect Act. Fox News reports, “House Bill 1068 threatened $100,000 fines for physicians who fail to ‘exercise the same

Students for Life Launches New “Heart to Heart” Campus Tour TODAY!
Brenna Lewis | February 14, 2020
Every semester, Students for Life of America does a campus “tour” display – an interactive, educational banner setup about a specific pro-life topic. This semester, we created a new display – the Heart to Heart Tour. Debate about abortion has dominated recent news cycles. It’s easy to stand against late-term abortion and even infanticide (unless you’re a Democrat running for

Pro-Choice Student Talks to Students for Life Leader & Rethinks Everything
Sarah Michalak | February 13, 2020
Changing the culture for Life requires us to have heart and mind changing conversations on campus. Abortion is a controversial topic. It can be uncomfortable to bring up and sometimes that discomfort can make starting conversations difficult. BUT we always must remember the impact our conversations can have. One conversation can change someone’s life forever! Abortion takes a human life

“Reproductive Justice Chaplain” Is Upset That Pro-Lifers Buried Victims Of Ulrich Klopfer
Brenna Lewis | February 13, 2020
A so-called “reproductive justice chaplain” took to Twitter yesterday to criticize pro-lifers and Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill for holding a burial for the more than 2,000 aborted babies who were found stored in the Will County, Illinois home of abortionist Ulrich Klopfer. Marie Siroky, says she is a reproductive justice chaplain for the United Church of Christ. A church
VIDEO: Ruth Bader Ginsberg Says to Give it a Rest with the ERA
Brenna Lewis | February 11, 2020
Abortion groups have been trying to pass the Equal Rights Amendment… despite the fact that the deadline for ratification passed decades ago. The supposed goal of the legislation is “gender equality.” But since men and women are already equal under the law, and the ERA would erase hundreds of laws that benefit women, it’s clear that the ERA is only

The 2020 Pregnant on Campus Group of the Year!
Brenna Lewis | February 7, 2020
We were blown away by our Pregnant on Campus Group of the Year, the Texas A&M Pro-Life Aggies! This group has evaluated the needs of their campus to ensure student parents can be successful and pregnant students have hope for a great future. First, the Pro-Life Aggies raised $30,000 in scholarship money to help pregnant and parenting students on their