Category: Students for Life Action
Choose a Weekend to Take Action for LIFE!
Brenna Lewis | August 11, 2020
REGISTER NOW TO JOIN A SOCK THE VOTE ACTIVISM WEEKEND! This fall, Students for Life of America will be partnering with our sister organization, Students for Life Action, to host Sock the Vote Activism Weekends in 10 cities! You can choose to join us on one or two weekends, in September from Thursday, Sept 24th to Sunday, Sept 27th and/or in October from Thursday, Oct 22nd to Sunday, Oct 25th.
Pro-life Religious Leaders Ask Democratic Party to Rethink Their Platform’s Abortion Stance
Jessica Nardi | August 4, 2020
The Democratic Party platform accepts NO abortion restrictions or protection laws like the Hyde Amendment, but pro-life religious leaders are asking the party to rethink its radical abortion views. A recent press release from Democrats for Life said that 100 religious leaders, clergy, and theologians issued a letter urging the party to “remove extreme abortion policies, which will make
Here’s a List of Ways the Trump Administration Has Protected Preborn Life
Brenna Lewis | August 4, 2020
At Students for Life, we’re single-issue voters and proud of it. Abortion is the greatest human rights injustice of our day and thus, we believe, a worthwhile motivator behind casting a vote. Donald Trump and his administration made some promises to the pro-life movement at the start of his tenure, and our movement wants to help each of them come
Students for Life of America Praises the FDA for Filing an Appeal of Chemical Abortion Ruling
Kristi Hamrick | July 28, 2020
“The FDA put women’s safety first and hit back against the ridiculous claims from abortionists that they should be able to make a quick sale without safeguards,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “The abortion lobby’s push to risk women’s lives shows again that this is not about healthcare, which saves lives, this is Chemical Abortion, deadly
10 Ways to Stop Planned Parenthood
Brenna Lewis | July 25, 2020
Sometimes, people ask us why we focus our efforts so heavily on Planned Parenthood. The answer is simple: they are the nation’s biggest abortion vendor. They commit about 1/3 of American abortions every year, and they are an extremely wealthy and well-connected propaganda machine. That is the simple answer… which, incidentally, leaves out decades of scandal, investigation, and harm to women.
Thousands of Pro-Choicers Attack Students for Life on TikTok
SFLA Staff | July 16, 2020
Since last November, Students for Life has used the popular social media platform, TikTok, to spread the pro-life message to a younger audience. However, in recent weeks, the account has been under attack by pro-abortion users for affirming pro-life values. In May, SFLA posted a video with an original sound with a “put-a-finger-down if” style video where the user puts
Supreme Court Decides That Abortion Facilities Don’t Have to Follow Rules
Brenna Lewis | June 29, 2020
Earlier today, the Supreme Court finally handed down a ruling on a case we’ve been following very closely: the Louisiana abortion law that requires abortion facilities to follow basic health and safety rules. The case is June Medical Services LLC v. Russo.It’s disappointing to share that they decided to cave in to the abortion lobby and set a precedent to allow abortion facilities
The GOP Decided to Keep 2016’s Platform: What’s in it for LIFE?
Jessica Nardi | June 29, 2020
The Republican Party’s platform is unyielding in its defense of the dignity of preborn human life. While the Democratic Party continues to override abortion restrictions in its platform, the GOP hasn’t changed any of their positions on life since its decision to keep its 2016 platform. This means the pro-life movement can rest assured that the party will continue
Sign up! National Pro-Life Gen Sidewalk Day 2020 is On August 1st!
Brenna Lewis | June 25, 2020
On Saturday, August 1st, Students for Life of America is organizing our 5th annual National Pro-Life Generation Sidewalk Day. We are calling the Pro-Life Generation to be on the front lines, reaching out to women and saving lives. Sidewalk Counseling is such an important and practical way to affirm life in your community. It’s especially important right now as many women are feeling
SHOCKING: Christian University Promotes Planned Parenthood as a Student Resource
Caroline Wharton | June 23, 2020
Oklahoma City University, a school affiliated with the United Methodist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, lists Planned Parenthood as a resource for students in two places on their website. Planned Parenthood is listed on their Health and Wellness Links page and their list of Local Hospitals and Physicians. Katie Lodjic, the National Field Director for Students for Life Action, sent Oklahoma City University