Category: Students for Life Action
Two BIG Opportunities to Fight for Life With Us
Brenna Lewis | November 13, 2020
In the midst of a turbulent election season, a divided America, and the rest of the fun that 2020 has brought… the Pro-Life Generation remains committed as ever to our mission of abolishing abortion. No matter what else is happening, the destruction of thousands of innocent lives every day demands our full attention. That’s why we never slow down. The next few
Join Students for Life for a Strategy Call!
Brenna Lewis | November 11, 2020
Right now is an uncertain and turbulent time for our nation. In a neck-and-neck Presidential election, valid suspicions about voter fraud and counting errors in tight states have thrown our already divided nation for yet another loop. Join us on Thursday, November 12th at 8:00 pm EST to hear what we’re up to and how you can sign up. We’re just a
Election Victory! Number of Pro-Life Women in the House DOUBLES
Brenna Lewis | November 6, 2020
While we may still be facing uncertain election results, Students for Life and Students for Life Action will continue to fight for women and their preborn children. Fortunately, what is certain is that we’ll have pro-life women in the U.S. House of Representatives as our allies! While the amount of pick-up seats from pro-life candidates continues to be determined,
American Pollsters Need to Re-Think Their Career Paths
Brenna Lewis | November 4, 2020
If we thought the pollsters (and the media) screwed up big time in the 2016 Presidential election… their failure this time is enough that they may want to rethink their careers. In fairness to them, it’s a tumultuous time in our history. But they were still wrong about their election predictions across the board. Don’t let the media and pollsters
A Vote is Not a Valentine… Vote Pro-Life First!
Brenna Lewis | October 30, 2020
Despite the obvious distinction in pro-life values between our two presidential candidates, many pro-life advocates still don’t seem sure who to vote for. As an old meme might say… “The number of pro-lifers rationalizing voting for a pro-abortion candidate is too damn high!” SFLA President Kristan Hawkins has been working to put it in perspective on Instagram over the
Students for Life Sent 205,000 Texts to Voters in ONE DAY!
Brenna Lewis | October 23, 2020
Students for Life (in partnership with Students for Life Action) buckled down and sent over 205,000 text messages to encourage voters to #VoteProLifeFirst in one day! This amazing feat was a combined effort of SFLA team members and students, and no doubt had a huge impact on voters who haven’t yet decided how big an issue abortion is for
“Yeetus that Feetus?” Pro-Choice Trolls Need Some Better Material
Brenna Lewis | October 21, 2020
Cyber bullying (for lack of a better term) is the new frontier for pro-abortion aggression. Though Students for Life staff and students have many productive conversations about abortion every year, it’s certainly not always the case. Many abortion supporters on college campuses are unwilling to have a real discussion about it and prefer to troll, often with very dark
Gallup Poll: Americans Support Judge Amy Coney Barrett
Brenna Lewis | October 21, 2020
The results are in from a September 30-October 15 Gallup poll and the American people want to see Judge Amy Coney Barrett confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court, by 51 to 46 percent. And, “the public is likely to continue to back Barrett’s confirmation,” according to poll analysis. The results are so decisive because only 3 percent have “no opinion,” the
What Reversing Roe v. Wade Means (and Doesn’t Mean)
Brenna Lewis | October 20, 2020
The 1973 Supreme Court case that legalized abortion on demand through all nine months and for any reason (alongside its companion case, Doe v. Bolton) is known as Roe v. Wade. The only reason abortion up until birth is not the law of the land in every state is thanks to states’ abilities to enact their own abortion limits… though late-term abortion is the
Students for Life Action Knocked on 2,000 Doors in One Weekend!
Caroline Wharton | October 15, 2020
Student volunteers with our sister organization, Students for Life Action, spent last weekend knocking on doors and encouraging voters to #VoteProLifeFirst on November 3rd. There were door-knocking deployments in cities nationwide – but in Montana, volunteers knocked on over 2,000 doors in just one weekend! That’s the impact the Pro-Life Generation can make. Students over the age of 18