Category: high school

Twitter Censors Picture of Smiling Three-Year-Old with Down Syndrome
Brenna Lewis | October 7, 2020
The month of October is a time to recognize the value, dignity, and worth of those living with Down Syndrome in our country. Each year, President Donald Trump issues a “Presidential Message on National Down Syndrome Awareness Month” on October 1. This year was no different. While Trump said that “it is incumbent upon us as a Nation, to

Media Fibs about Biden-Harris Abortion Positions
Brenna Lewis | October 7, 2020
Fresh out of Walter Reed, Trump used his Twitter on Tuesday morning to focus on the abortion issue. Reactions were swift and predictable, but the president has a point. Trump referenced Joe Biden’s NBC town hall performance, including when Biden answered a question about “protecting women’s reproductive rights in the U.S.” He addressed the possibility of, if on the

Pro-life Students and Teachers Harassed in Three Separate Events
Jessica Nardi | October 7, 2020
Across the country, pro-life student activists are organizing for Respect Life month, and these shows of peaceful solidarity have been met with intense backlash. In the past week, students were harassed in-person and online to such a degree that US Senator Marco Rubio came to their defense on Twitter. Pro-Abortion Protestors Crash Peaceful Pro-Life Events On October 4,

Announcing: 2020-2021 FREE Pro-Life Apologetics Webinars
Mary Briganti | October 6, 2020
Register now! With so much uncertainty surrounding this next school year, there is one thing we know you will need: apologetics! You’re invited again this year to two FREE Apologetics Webinars each semester, each with a different pro-life apologist! After registering for the events, you will receive reminder and follow-up emails and even be able to participate in interactive Q&A sessions! It is so easy to

Abortion Supporters Protest Pro-Lifers During Their Lunch Break
Brenna Lewis | October 5, 2020
This past weekend at the Prayer March and SCOTUS Nomination announcement in Washington D.C., Liberty Students were eating pizza in between events and protested by a small group of high schoolers with homemade signs that said, “My body, my choice”. Four pro-life students began a conversation with them, and almost immediately they could sense their frustration and miseducation. “You

Pope Francis Is Against Any And All Abortions
Jessica Nardi | October 2, 2020
Pope Francis is a skilled diplomat. And he knows he’s got a problem in the Church — that there are many Catholics who don’t understand the Church’s teachings on abortion. He also understands that if you come out too strongly on this to a group of people who care more about popular culture than their faith, you risk alienating quite

About those Supreme Court Nominations… Who’s Right?
Brenna Lewis | October 2, 2020
The first question of the first presidential debate—quite the contentious one—had to do with the hot topic on everyone’s mind: the Supreme Court. Moderator Chris Wallace asked, “Why are you right in the argument you make and your opponent wrong?” Considering Trump’s case is a matter of following a Constitutional duty on judicial nominees, it’s hard to argue with

Getting Punched at the Supreme Court is Likely Just the Beginning
Brenna Lewis | October 2, 2020
While countering a pro-abortion rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court on Sunday, SFLAction team member Autumn Schimmer was punched in the face. Autumn, while peacefully making her support for Judge Amy Coney Barrett heard. The incident took place at a rally organized by Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America. At one point, a pro-choice woman wanted to speak with
Members of Congress Have Opportunity to Protect Women Against Chemical Abortions
Brenna Lewis | October 2, 2020
Students for Life is in strong support of the Support and Value Expectant (SAVE) Mom and Babies Act of 2019, which will ensure FDA regulations are in place to protect women from chemical abortions. On September 22, Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi requested unanimous consent for the legislation, which the particularly pro-abortion Senator Patty Murray of Washington objected to. Members

The Pro-Life Response to: “But Planned Parenthood Helped Me!”
Brenna Lewis | September 28, 2020
Especially now as election tensions heat up, you’ve probably seen a social media post on your own feed very similar to this one: A post you see like this may lack the bad interaction with pro-lifers, but still share a similar story: “I support Planned Parenthood because I was helped by them for non-abortion services during a time of