Category: Free-Speech

Two African-American Women ARRESTED Outside Planned Parenthood: “This is a Clear Statement of Their Bias Now”
Brenna Lewis | June 10, 2020
Most gatherings are currently prohibited due to COVID-19 guidelines.* So imagine the surprise of two pro-life African-American women who were handcuffed and cited while standing peacefully outside the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood in New York City the same week thousands were protesting George Floyd’s death. *With the exception of race riots and protesting. These ladies are formally invited to any

Planned Parenthood Supporter Will Now Oversee Fact-Checking For Twitter
Brenna Lewis | May 28, 2020
A Planned Parenthood supporter and strident opponent of President Donald Trump has been appointed to a job at Twitter; overseeing election ‘misinformation’, and apparently, fact-checking President Trump. But of course, this being Big Tech, he is also a support of the nation’s largest abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is facing several major legal problems, as they both try to

Facebook Names Pro-Abortion Law Professor, Impeachment “Witness” To Oversight Board
Brenna Lewis | May 12, 2020
Facebook regularly comes under criticism, and rightly so, for its censorship of pro-life or conservative content, as well as removing posts at the behest of some states over anti-lockdown protests. Now, they are signaling further that they support abortion and will seek to censor abortion content further (you may remember that they allow abortion industry spokesman Dr. Daniel Grossman to

Pro-Choice Students Call Pro-Lifers “Medical Terrorists,” Try to Get Them Kicked Off of Campus
Brenna Lewis | April 30, 2020
“Pro-choice students at Case Western University have bought into the abortion industry propaganda against the pro-life movement. It is a sad state of our education system when students cannot truly think critically and have to resort to baseless attacks’, said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. CLEVELAND, OH and FREDERICKSBURG, VA (4-30-2020)– Pro-choice students at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio

TikTok Censors Students For Life, Then Reinstates Video Without Explanation
Brenna Lewis | April 14, 2020
Video-sharing website TikTok removed a Students for Life TikTok video on Monday, April 6th, the same day it was posted. Without further explanation, the company wrote on the post that it violated “certain terms” and “community guidelines.” Students for Life reached out for correction and explanation but did not receive one. On Wednesday night, April 9th, the video was restored without explanation. Kristan

Police Go After Law-Abiding Pro-Lifers, Not Law-Breaking Abortion Escorts
Brenna Lewis | April 9, 2020
John Mark Porter is a Senior at the University of South Carolina and former president of that University’s Pro-Life student organization, Advocates for Life. Many of the students from that organization serve as volunteer counselors and intern at the local sidewalk counseling ministry. On Tuesday morning in Columbia, South Carolina, I and four other sidewalk counselors were forced to leave

Spokane City Council Passes Ordinance To Silence Pro-Life Christians
Brenna Lewis | March 4, 2020
Spokane City Councilwoman Lori Kinnear got her wish: the city will now be empowered to use police officers to shut up the hundreds of pro-life Christians who regularly pray outside a local Planned Parenthood abortion facility. Recently, the Spokane City Council passed an ordinance allowing the police to cite the pro-lifers for ‘noise’ complaints. Kinnear previously had asked the police

VICTORY! Public School Approves Students for Life Group After Legal Intervention
Brenna Lewis | January 15, 2020
Public School Approves Students for Life Group After Initially Trying to Deny it ‘High schools are being put on notice; respect free-speech or face legal action’, noted Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. FREDERICKSBURG, VA and NAPLES, FL (1-15-2020)— In response to news that Gulf Coast High School had finally approved Sharks 4 Life, after intervention by Students for Life
Two Students For Life Leaders Share Their Stories At Major Trump Rally
Brenna Lewis | January 4, 2020
Students for Life of America (SFLA) Leaders Praised by President Trump at Friday event for Courageously defending Pro-Life Free Speech  Students for Life chapter leader and parenting student credit SFLA for helping to defend their free speech rights on campus and saving the life of baby. “Protecting students’ free speech rights can help save lives. I know from experience;