Category: Featured

(VIDEO) Catholic Priest Explains Why We Must Vote Pro-Life First
Brenna Lewis | March 25, 2020
On a recent episode of Kristan Hawkins’ Explicitly Pro-Life, Fr. Frank Pavone, the National Director of Priests for Life, explained why we must vote pro-life first. WATCH: Fr. Frank and Kristan Hawkins talked about how we must change hearts and minds, but how that should translate into changed laws and changed votes. It can be tempting, Fr. Frank noted, to try

30,000 Healthcare Professionals Say to Halt Abortion During Pandemic
Hayley Tschetter | March 24, 2020
Pro-life doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals are calling on the government to halt abortions during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. They are fighting back against the spin of the abortion industry that apparently, the answer to the COVID-19 crisis is more abortion. An email the President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of the North Central States, Sarah Stoesz, sent out

Pro-Life Leaders Warn Public Health Officials Not To Exploit Crisis To Push Abortion Agenda
Brenna Lewis | March 24, 2020
Leading pro-life groups, including Students for Life of America, released a letter today warning public health officials not to exploit the coronavirus crisis to push an abortion agenda. The letter, which was organized by Susan B. Anthony List, is addressed to Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services. It states in part, “As our country comes together to battle

SFLA Presents 5 Unique Ways for Pro-Lifers to Stay Engaged
Brenna Lewis | March 24, 2020
“Students for Life of America is going to meet the Pro-Life Generation where they are – online and at home,” said Students for Life of America’s Kristan Hawkins. “For years, we’ve offered online education and training for pro-life young people, but, now, we are going to supersize our programming through strategic partnerships.” Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins said that the Pro-Life

SFLA HQ Has a New Look!
Lori Cascio | March 24, 2020
Many schools around the country have canceled classes and gone online for the rest of the semester. So we pivoted from campus to computer, too. But that doesn’t mean the pro-life outreach has stopped. Did you know that everything you need to stay up to date on pro-life activism can be found on our one-stop-shop, SFLA Headquarters? What is HQ? Students for Life

3,300 Pro-Life Activists Tell Governors: Shut Down Abortion Facilities To Preserve Valuable Medical Resources
Brenna Lewis | March 24, 2020
In just one day, over 3,300 pro-life activists joined a nationwide call to urge U.S. governors to tell abortion facilities to donate their personal protective equipment and other important medical resources to local hospitals and medical clinics to help fight the coronavirus. Abortion is not an essential service, and Planned Parenthood is not an essential business. You can join the

The T.A.L.K. Campaign is Going Digital!
Lori Cascio | March 23, 2020
The Pro-Life Generation is moving from campus to computer during the quarantine, and so is our T.A.L.K. Challenge to have 250,000 pro-life conversations this school year! There are plenty of ways to continue the abortion conversation from home, even while practicing “social distancing.” Calls, texts, emails, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, and any other digital platform are all ways to keep the mind-changing discussions about abortion going. It’s time to get creative.

AMAZING! Two Babies Saved From Abortion Thanks To Student Activism
Brenna Lewis | March 23, 2020
We often hear that abortion is a “woman’s” issue and that men should not be allowed an opinion. At Students for Life of America, we know that is simply not true. At Villanova University and the University of Pennsylvania, our student leaders helped men save the lives of their babies by giving them the courage to persist in the fight for their child’s life. These men were torn because while they wanted
Students for Life Urges Governors To Shut Down Abortion Facilities During Coronavirus Crisis
Brenna Lewis | March 23, 2020
“At a time when many areas are facing medical supply shortages and taxpayer dollars are being redirected to address the consequences of the coronavirus, we urge every governor to order abortion facilities closed in order to redirect medical personnel and supplies towards real healthcare,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. FREDERICKSBURG, VA (3-23-2020)– Today, Students for

Ohio Attorney General Orders Abortion Facilities To Stop Committing Abortions
Brenna Lewis | March 23, 2020
The Attorney General of Ohio, Dave Yost, has sent letters to two abortion facilities in the state telling them they must stop committing abortions. Yost’s letter notes that protective medical gear must be preserved for more important uses during the coronavirus crisis. CBS News reports, “All of Ohio’s abortion clinics have been ordered to stop providing the procedure as the