Category: Blogroll

One Of The Top Pro-Life Legal Groups Is Offering A Law School Prep Academy
Brenna Lewis | February 18, 2020
Alliance Defending Freedom, one of the top pro-life legal groups in the country, is offering a “Law School Prep Academy” for future law students. Alliance Defending Freedom has long been a partner of Students for Life, often representing Students for Life groups in free-speech disputes with universities, as well as regularly sponsoring Students for Life event. ADF was also a

Is Physician Assisted Suicide a Compassionate Choice?
Mary Briganti | February 17, 2020
When someone hears the word, “pro-life,” abortion is usually the first life issue to come to mind. And while making abortion illegal and unthinkable is a goal of the pro-life movement and the focus of Students for Life of America, there are many life issues that are threatening the lives of vulnerable humans. These issues include embryonic stem cell research, human

Students for Life Launches New “Heart to Heart” Campus Tour!
Brenna Lewis | February 17, 2020
Every semester, Students for Life of America does a campus “tour” display – an interactive, educational banner setup about a specific pro-life topic. This semester, we created a new display – the Heart to Heart Tour. And it launches today (February 17th, 2020) with its first stop at Wichita State University in Kansas. Debate about abortion has dominated recent news

Pro-Life OB/GYNs Criticize Medical Trade Group For Ignoring Science
Brenna Lewis | February 17, 2020
The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) criticized the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) for always intervening to support pro-choice laws and ignoring the Hippocratic Oath, in an amicus brief in the Gee Supreme Court case. AAPLOG asserts that ACOG’s opinion has been given too much weight in court filings and that they do not speak

Colorado House Committee Rejects Medical Care For Abortion Survivors
Brenna Lewis | February 17, 2020
A Colorado House committee voted last week against requiring doctors to provide medical care for babies born alive after abortion. It comes at the same time that Senator Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska) led a Senate committee hearing on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protect Act. Fox News reports, “House Bill 1068 threatened $100,000 fines for physicians who fail to ‘exercise the same

Students for Life Launches New “Heart to Heart” Campus Tour TODAY!
Brenna Lewis | February 14, 2020
Every semester, Students for Life of America does a campus “tour” display – an interactive, educational banner setup about a specific pro-life topic. This semester, we created a new display – the Heart to Heart Tour. Debate about abortion has dominated recent news cycles. It’s easy to stand against late-term abortion and even infanticide (unless you’re a Democrat running for

Pro-Life Representatives Criticize The Equal Rights Amendment For Being Pro-Abortion
Brenna Lewis | February 14, 2020
Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to try to remove the deadline to pass the Equal Rights Amendment, 38 years after the second deadline had already passed. But, only 5 Republicans voted with Democrats to support removing the deadline. A majority of Republicans voted against extending the deadline, with many giving floor speeches and sending out tweets criticizing the

Pro-Choice Student Talks to Students for Life Leader & Rethinks Everything
Sarah Michalak | February 13, 2020
Changing the culture for Life requires us to have heart and mind changing conversations on campus. Abortion is a controversial topic. It can be uncomfortable to bring up and sometimes that discomfort can make starting conversations difficult. BUT we always must remember the impact our conversations can have. One conversation can change someone’s life forever! Abortion takes a human life

How to Change Policies at YOUR School to Help Pregnant Students
Brenna Lewis | February 13, 2020
Pregnancy discrimination should not be happening on campuses… yet it does at an alarming rate. Just recently, Students for Life has received numerous emails and phone calls from students who believe their school is discriminating against them due to their pregnancies. This is against the law and we want to do everything we can to help, but all too often,

Chemeketa Students for Life Invites Doctors to Debate Issues of Life and Death
Brenna Lewis | February 13, 2020
Media Advisory For more information, contact: Marcos Sanchez, [email protected] CHEMEKETA STUDENTS FOR LIFE HOSTS DEBATE ON PHYSICAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE; CHEMEKETA STUDENTS FOR LIFE INVITES DOCTORS TO DEBATE ISSUES OF LIFE AND DEATH SALEM, OREGON (02-19-2020) – Chemeketa Students for Life will host “The Life & Death Debate,” on Wednesday, February 26th at 6:00 PM, to educate students and community members about