Category: Blogroll

Special Group of SFLA Students Had over 1,000 Conversations About Abortion This Year
Brenna Lewis | April 27, 2020
Twelve dedicated students on the Effective Education Pillar Team, a special group of students who have a passion for changing minds about abortion, have been thinking outside of the box to have better conversations this spring. Combined, these students had over 1,000 conversations this school year by testing new ideas that encourage students to engage with them about abortion both

Abortion Supporters Tell Girl with Disability, “You Should’ve Been Aborted”
Lori Cascio | April 27, 2020
Last Friday night, after thousands of viewers watched Students for Life’s online showing of the movie Unplanned, 10 chat groups were run by 10 SFLA team members to facilitate a debrief. We spoke with about 50 people of all ages and backgrounds! The emotions were across the board. One woman was in tears. Others were angry, in disbelief, or otherwise upset. No matter the feelings,

Michigan Township Confronts Governor Whitmer Over Her Extreme Stance On Abortion
Brenna Lewis | April 27, 2020
Shelby Township in Michigan has put itself on the map by telling pro-abortion Governor Gretchen Whitmer to declare abortion non-essential. The Shelby Township board recently unanimously voted to declare abortion non-essential and to urge Governor Whitmer to do the same. “A Shelby Township board is asking Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to remove abortions from the list of medical procedures deemed

Planned Parenthood Posts Video of Teens in Bedrooms with Sex Toys
Stephanie Stone | April 23, 2020
Planned Parenthood has done it again, posting inappropriate content and luring minors into their overly sexualized curriculum. On April 16th, Planned Parenthood of Maryland posted their first “Teen Talk” on Instagram, featuring minors demonstrating how to use condoms and dental dams, along with discussing other sexual topics. The “Teen Talk” series is meant to be a collection of “educational” videos by high–schoolers for high–schoolers on certain

Pro-Life Teens Reach Out To Pregnant Women During Coronavirus Crisis
Brenna Lewis | April 23, 2020
Keirsten Anderson is a high school student in Massachusetts, as well as the founder of her Students for Life group on campus and an SFL Action Captain for Massachusetts. Her group has not been able to regularly meet in person, due to their school being shut down because of coronavirus, but that has not slowed them down. Anderson told Students

Students for Life is Hosting a MASSIVE Online Diaper Drive
Brenna Lewis | April 22, 2020
The COVID 19 pandemic has been difficult for all of us – especially for women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy and in need of support. In order to meet the needs of women in crisis, Students for Life of America is announcing the start of a National Baby Item Drive! This event is beginning this week and will end on Mothers’ Day. Our focus is

Pro-Abortion Magazine Admits That You Cannot Easily Turn Fertility On And Off
Brenna Lewis | April 22, 2020
Glamour Magazine recently admitted something pro-lifers have been saying for years; fertility cannot just be turned on and off, and it’s not so easy to control fertility until you ‘want’ to have a baby. Coming from a pro-abortion magazine, this is a stunning admission. The article, titled, “‘Planning’ Your Pregnancy Has Never Been More Of A Myth” covers the ways

GOOD NEWS: Twenty-Three International Planned Parenthood Abortion Facilities Are Shutting Down
Brenna Lewis | April 21, 2020
A recent announcement from the International Planned Parenthood Federation found that 23 of their member abortion facilities were going to have to shut down, at least temporarily due to the coronavirus crisis. Live Action reports, “In 2018, IPPF committed nearly 1.4 million abortions around the world with just over half being done by way of a chemical abortion (the abortion pill). The

Students for Life Trained Over 200 Pro-Life Student Leaders In Just One Week
Michele Hendrickson | April 20, 2020
Sometimes we miss the meaning behind a number. Last week, our Regional Coordinators called to check in with as many campus student leaders as we could, making hundreds of calls and reaching over 200 student leaders in just 4 days. Let’s give that some meaning… Two hundred students across the country got to hear our voices. Two hundred students heard encouragement during a

SFLA Talks to 70 Abortion Supporters in Just Two Hours
Brenna Lewis | April 20, 2020
The Students for Life groups in the Rocky Mountain Region of Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming have been itching to get back on campus so that they can continue to reach people with the pro-life message. Since that isn’t a possibility right now, SFLA’s Rocky Mountain Regional Coordinator, Christina Coffman came up with an idea. On Thursday, April 16th, she