Spokane City Council Passes Ordinance To Silence Pro-Life Christians
Brenna Lewis | March 4, 2020
Spokane City Councilwoman Lori Kinnear got her wish: the city will now be empowered to use police officers to shut up the hundreds of pro-life Christians who regularly pray outside a local Planned Parenthood abortion facility. Recently, the Spokane City Council passed an ordinance allowing the police to cite the pro-lifers for ‘noise’ complaints. Kinnear previously had asked the police

Colorado Pro-Lifers Reach Signature Goal For Putting Late-Term Abortion Ban On The Ballot
Brenna Lewis | March 4, 2020
Colorado pro-lifers, led by the group Due Too Late, announced that they met their signature goal to allow Colorado voters to vote on late-term abortion in the state this November. The ballot measure, if passed, would prohibit abortion in almost all cases starting after twenty-two weeks, when preborn babies are believed to be able to feel pain. A press release

All Boys School Screens “Unplanned” to Audience of Over 100
Mary Briganti | March 3, 2020
Unplanned is reaching students all over the country and empowering students to take action in the Pro-Life Movement. Hundreds of Students for Life groups have hosted the film this school year on their campuses and thousands of students have been impacted by the powerful truth of Abby Johnson’s story.  — Including 100+ students in Wisconsin at one showing!  On January 16th, 2020, Marquette University High School screened Unplanned to an

(VIDEO): Legal Expert Says The Supreme Court Should Allow Health and Safety Standards To Stand
Brenna Lewis | March 3, 2020
A leading legal expert and an author of the book on the problems of Roe v. Wade has released a video with Students for Life explaining the Supreme Court Case Gee v. June Medical Services (now called June Medical Services v. Russo) which is being heard on Wednesday, March 4th. The case will determine whether the state of Louisiana and other states, can regulate

Join us at the Supreme Court on March 4th!
Mary Briganti | March 3, 2020
The case that could overturn Roe v. Wade is just around the corner. The Pro-Life Generation needs to be present, needs to be talking about this, and needs to be ready to act! June Medical Services v. Russo will begin oral arguments at the Supreme Court TOMORROW, Wednesday, March 4th. We need to be out there in full force! The nation, and the world, will be watching

Indiana Students Mobilize To Support Pro-Family Policies
Brenna Lewis | March 3, 2020
Students for Life in Indiana recently joined with other pro-life groups, including Right To Life of Indianapolis and Susan B. Anthony List, for training and advocacy at the state capitol in Indianapolis. The students received public policy training and spoke to legislators about the importance of policies supporting paid family leave for women coping with a miscarriage. They also spoke

West Virginia Students Help Support Ban On Infanticide
Brenna Lewis | March 3, 2020
West Virginia Governor Jim Justice recently signed legislation to end infanticide in the state. Students for Life Action members have spoken out in favor of the legislation, sending in statements of support and making phone calls to state legislators urging them to support the legislation. The students also participating in a lobby day with West Virginians For Life. LifeSiteNews.com wrote

Students for Life of America to Stand with Women who Deserve Protection from Unsafe Abortion Vendors
Kristi Hamrick | March 2, 2020
At the Supreme Court, SFLA students and staff to Rally and Educate on the need for Health and Safety Standards under fire in June Medical Services v. Russo (Formerly June Medical Services v. Gee) MEDIA ADVISORY: SFLA to hold all-night Prayer Vigil TUESDAY before the WEDNESDAY arguments. WASHINGTON D.C. (03-02-2020) – This week, Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins and SFLA team members

California Students Pack Room To Hear Speech On Making Abortion Illegal Again
Brenna Lewis | March 2, 2020
Students at California-Polytechnic State University filled a room to capacity, nearly 150 people, to hear Kristan Hawkins speak last Thursday as part of her Spring speaking tour. The topic of her speech, which she started delivering last Fall, is “Make Abortion Illegal Again: Helping Women and Families After Roe.” The room was not only packed to capacity, but students were still

Western Washington University Vandals Destroy Pro-Life Chalkings
Brenna Lewis | March 2, 2020
Western Washington University is investigating vandalism after vandals destroyed chalkings by the conservative Young Americans for Freedom group on campus. The group had chalked numerous messages on campus, including pro-life messages such as, “Abortion is not healthcare.” YAF’s website reports, “Conservative activists in the Western Washington Young Americans for Freedom chapter stayed up all night monitoring their chalking display until