Category: Uncategorized

A Victory for the Christian Schools Project: University of Dubuque in Iowa
Caroline Wharton | August 12, 2022
Over the course of four years, Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement has conducted extensive research and rated 784 Christian schools across the country to identify any ties between these Christian institutions to the nation’s largest abortion vendor: Planned Parenthood. Throughout SFLA’s Christian Schools project, 40 Christian colleges and universities — which amounted to about

Safe Haven Laws 101: Answering Your Top Questions
Caroline Wharton | August 11, 2022
If it helps women and children, the abortion lobby is usually against it, and that includes Safe Haven Laws, which have recently been under attack by abortion supporters. While these laws were created for the express purpose of aiding families in distress, somehow the abortion lobby has begun to call Safe Havens “disingenuous.” Clearly, the abortion lobby is seriously ignorant

A Victory for the Christian Schools Project: University of Tulsa in Oklahoma
Caroline Wharton | August 11, 2022
Over the course of four years, Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement has conducted extensive research and rated 784 Christian schools across the country to identify any ties between these Christian institutions to the nation’s largest abortion vendor: Planned Parenthood. Throughout SFLA’s Christian Schools project, 40 Christian colleges and universities — which amounted to about

FACT CHECK: Pharmacists Cannot Unknowingly Sell Chemical Abortion
Kristi Hamrick | August 10, 2022
The abortion lobby tells the truth about as often as they give life-affirming care — which is to say pretty much never — and the newest myth they’re peddling is that pharmacists will be selling and distributing Chemical Abortion pills unknowingly. It’s important to understand just how willfully inaccurate that false claim is, and Students for Life of America (SFLA)

Dear Kamala Harris, What About Pro-Life Women?
Caroline Wharton | August 10, 2022
While the abortion lobby claims to have women’s best interests at heart and to stand for “women’s empowerment,” they sure have funny way of going about it; in fact, it looks like they care a lot less about actual women than they do abortion. That seems to be the only explanation for why pro-abortion political leadership is promising to protect

Wondering Why Gen Z is Pro-Life? This BBC Article Sums It Up
Caroline Wharton | August 9, 2022
As the mainstream media has portrayed American youth as staunchly pro-abortion for so long, many are surprised to find that Gen Z and Millennials overwhelmingly lean pro-life rather than pro-abortion — and they are equally puzzled as to why this may be since young people are typically more liberal. A new article from BBC News interviewed several of our Pro-Life

JUST IN: Abortion Supporters Fittingly Dress as Clowns to Stop Pro-Lifers from Helping Women
Caroline Wharton | August 8, 2022
GUEST POST: In the few months that we have lived in a Post-Roe America, the entire country has been exposed to the abortion lobby’s violence and rabidly anti-woman sentiments. Their hostility towards life was made abundantly clear once again on Saturday, August 6, while pro-life students were sidewalk counseling in San Diego, California as a part of Students for Life

Pro-Lifers Are Prepped & Ready to Claim Their Campuses This Fall
Caroline Wharton | August 7, 2022
GUEST POST: In light of the reversal of Roe v. Wade creating a further need for pro-life action, Students for Life of America (SFLA) recently hosted a nation-wide webinar to teach students how to start their own SFLA groups at their schools. Participants heard from student guest speakers, discussed questions in breakout sessions, and played Kahoot! at the July 27

It’s National Pro-Life Sidewalk Day; Join Us in a Unique Way to Serve Women Today!
Caroline Wharton | August 6, 2022
Today, just a little more than a month after the reversal of Roe v. Wade, the Post-Roe Generation is gathering outside of abortion facilities across the nation to cover sidewalks in life-affirming messages and offer abortion-seeking women resources on choosing life. If you don’t have plans today (or if you just want to change them), you should join us in

Exposing Pro-Abortion Propaganda: The Prosecuting Women Myth
Caroline Wharton | August 5, 2022
In our Post-Roe world, misinformation is often used as a weapon by the abortion lobby to confuse and militarize Americans against the pro-life movement, and one of their favorite fallacies is that we want to punish abortion-seeking women. While wildly untrue, this myth is unfortunately prevalent among abortion supporters who consistently accuse pro-lifers of the hidden intention to prosecute women.