Category: Med & Law

Kristan Hawkins: Pro-Abortion Students Hate Who They Think Pro-Lifers Are; I Spoke at Wellesley and We Found Common Ground
Kristan Hawkins | October 26, 2021
Reposted from Townhall. Yesterday, I delivered an address at Wellesley College in Massachusetts as the first stop on my fall speaking tour entitled, The Future Is Anti Abortion: Preparing For A Post-Roe America.I was eager to speak at Wellesley because I believe it’s crucial to engage with students who don’t understand the pro-life worldview. And ahead of my visit, Wellesley students provided

Chemical Abortion is the New Back Alley Abortion
Brenna Lewis | October 22, 2021
The Abortion Lobby will not let their suffocating hold on Texas go, no matter who is hurt in the process. In the wake of recent legislation in Texas, including S.B. 8, otherwise known as the ‘Heartbeat Bill,’ Texas has become both a beacon of hope and an example for the pro-life movement. Thousands of preborn lives have and will

Sad Examples of How a Pro-Abortion Mindset Poisons Workplaces
Brenna Lewis | October 20, 2021
In every case, abortion pits a mother against her child, with abortion proponents insinuating that the child is an obstacle to some other goal. This falsehood is one of the primary ways in which abortion betrays women… by telling them that they can’t accomplish their goals without abortion. An abortion mindset poisons the workplace. Just this week, we saw

Women’s Marcher in New York TEARS Phone Out of Pro-Lifer’s Hand & Throws It to the Ground
Brenna Lewis | October 19, 2021
On October 2nd, Women’s Marches (many re-named “Rallies for Abortion Justice,” which is a lot more honest) descended upon many cities, bringing with them overtired abortion rhetoric and even violence towards pro-life attendees. The fearless Pro-Life Generation attended the events in 24 different cities nationwide to supply a much-needed pro-life voice. In fact, just shy of 700 members of the Pro-Life Generation showed up nationwide.

Police Forced to Protect Pro-Life Students from Enraged Women’s Marchers in Chicago
Brenna Lewis | October 19, 2021
On October 2nd, Women’s Marches (many re-named “Rallies for Abortion Justice,” which is a lot more honest) descended upon many cities, bringing with them overtired abortion rhetoric and even violence towards pro-life attendees. The fearless Pro-Life Generation attended the events in 24 different cities nationwide to supply a much-needed pro-life voice. In fact, just shy of 700 members of the Pro-Life Generation showed up nationwide.

Pro-Life Student Meets Pregnant Woman on the Street, Helps Her Choose Life!
Brenna Lewis | October 19, 2021
My name is Kristen Marie Wayne and I’m a Junior at the University of South Florida majoring in American Sign Language Interpreting. I am also the Public Relations Chair for the Students for Life club here at USF. This fall, I had the incredible opportunity to help a mother choose life and walk with her through the journey. For

How to Dialogue with Those Who “Choose the Middle” of the Abortion Debate
Michele Hendrickson | October 19, 2021
This fall, the second-annual Pro-Life Movement Stakeholders Briefing gathered about 80 pro-life leaders from across the country. Representatives from state and national pro-life organizations met in Washington, D.C. for a time of networking together reviewing the latest findings on the Moveable Middle Research commissioned by Students for Life of America. In search of a persuasive messaging campaign directed at millennial women who

An Open Letter to a Young Texan
Brenna Lewis | October 18, 2021
Dear Young Texan, I am not sure how to address you. I do not know your name. I do not know your gender. I do not even know, definitively, whether you will grow up in Texas. Many years will pass before you will be old enough to read this. But with a few clues, I hope that this open

Pro-Life Display Protested at Catholic School, Home of Pro-Life Student Later Vandalized
Brenna Lewis | October 15, 2021
The state of affairs at Catholic and Christian schools would likely shock anyone who graduated from such a school more than a few years ago. They are no longer safe havens for students who reject abortion violence. When Students for Life at Gonzaga did a pro-life display this week, pro-abortion students on the Catholic campus protested in full force, pitching

October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month
Brenna Lewis | October 15, 2021
As we enter October, we enter into Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. For some, October is a joyous entering into fall with sweaters and boots, scarves and leaves, and pumpkin spice everything. For others, it’s the recognition of a month that is dedicated to a loss that we may still not be prepared to face. Perhaps it’s a loss that is