Category: Med & Law

SFLAction Applauds South Dakota’s Chemical Abortion Ban, Protecting Children and Women from Deadly Chemical Abortion Industry
Kristi Hamrick | February 17, 2022
“With Roe on the rocks and the Biden’s FDA destroying women’s safety provisions around the distribution of Chemical Abortion, abortion drug vendors are working aggressively to establish a deadly new back alley in Chemical Abortion distribution,” said Students for Life Action and Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “This is Death By Mail – a threat to both child and

SFLAction Mobilizes to Support Heartbeats in the Granite State
Caroline Wharton | February 17, 2022
GUEST POST: The New Hampshire State Legislature is currently deliberating on H.B. 1477 which argues for the protection of the universal sound of life: the heartbeat. This heartbeat bill and all others like it are really quite simple: once a heartbeat is determined, we know without a doubt that life is present and should be treated as sacred. The Pro-Life

Pro-Life Legislators See Progress in Resisting Taxpayer Funded Abortion
Caroline Wharton | February 16, 2022
Despite fevered efforts by the abortion lobby to destroy the Hyde Amendment, it is continuing to prevail and persevere in the federal government. New reports have come out indicating that, although pro-abortion politicians had promised to include abortion funding in federal plans, there will be no bipartisan agreements unless Hyde is invoked. Let’s discuss this momentum: A Quick Refresher on

Ohio State University “Sex Week” Features Valentines for Abortionists
Caroline Wharton | February 16, 2022
GUEST POST: As part of “Sex Week” this year, abortion supporters at Ohio State University are encouraging students to send valentines to abortionist. “Sex Week” is an event that occurs on many college campuses to encourage promiscuity. Though the particulars vary from campus to campus, the week generally includes the promotion of risky sexual behavior with little to no factual

Life is Worth Celebrating, No Matter How Big Or How Small
Caroline Wharton | February 16, 2022
Supporters of abortion reject the idea that a preborn baby is a valued life and refuse to view abortion—the intended death of these preborn babies—as something tragically sad. One of the disheartening side effects of these wrong views has been a lack of compassion over miscarriages. To the abortion lobby, unless there’s birth, there is no baby. That’s why it

Body Sliding Over Crosses…That’s Just How the Abortion Lobby Rolls
Caroline Wharton | February 16, 2022
The 2022 Spring Semester is in full swing, and you know what that means—pro-life students are being harassed on campus for protecting the preborn. Just recently, pro-life students within a College Republicans group hosted a display of pink crosses to symbolize all the lives Planned Parenthood has taken, as well as an accompanying informational table at California Polytechnic University in

Abortion Lobby: Laws for Thee but Not for Me
Caroline Wharton | February 16, 2022
In movies, we often see naughty children who assume that their actions will have no consequences due to their position in life, and we’re disgusted when fictional parents overlook their wrongdoing. Unfortunately, art does mimic life—and the abortion lobby plays the spoiled brat role very well. As states begin to prepare for a Post-Roe America by putting Chemical Abortion laws

Dear Abortion Lobby, You Suck At Valentine’s Day
Caroline Wharton | February 15, 2022
In addition to severely lacking in ethics, morality, compassion, and honesty, the abortion lobby also leaves much to be desired in the tact department; take today as a prime example. On the international day of love—named for a self-less, altruistic martyr and celebrated worldwide through acts of both romance and friendship—the abortion lobby decided to announce that they didn’t believe

Kristan Hawkins Remarks at the No Woman Stands Alone Press Conference
Caroline Wharton | February 15, 2022
On this Valentine’s Day 2022, we gather to say that pro-life is pro-love, and love looks like caring for women and children in need. The shared goals of those of us here, every signee on our open letter to women, and the pro-life movement as a whole is to ensure that no woman in an unexpected pregnancy stands alone, and

A Baby Saved from Abortion Is Playing in the Super Bowl
Caroline Wharton | February 13, 2022
The Super Bowl is here and there’s a great pro-life football story to celebrate today to share with your friends and family this weekend. One of the players at the Super Bowl this weekend was saved from the violence of abortion. How It Began: In Ohio, a pro-life couple named Greg and Annie Miller opened a maternity home for pregnant