Category: In the News

The Horrifying Consequences of ‘Packing the Court’
Brenna Lewis | September 25, 2020
To fill the vacancy left on the U.S. Supreme Court by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg President Donald Trump will announce his nomination on Saturday, September 26. Judge Amy Coney Barret is considered to be the front-runner. Democrats have threatened to shake up the system with a plan to ‘pack the court’ should President Trump and Senate leaders act

SFLA Helps Collect 150k Signatures to Ban Late-Term Abortions in Colorado
Jessica Nardi | September 25, 2020
A group of Colorado doctors, aided by Students of Life Action, have successfully collected enough signatures to launch Proposition 115–a new ballot initiative that would ban late-term abortions in the state of Colorado. No such restrictions currently exist, meaning babies in Colorado can be aborted up until the moment of birth. This proposition would ban abortion after 22 weeks

Students for Life of America’s “Sock the Vote” Campus Tour to Travel to 46 states explaining Why We Vote Pro-Life First
Kristi Hamrick | September 23, 2020
“Student leaders and SFLA team members will equip the Pro-Life Generation with the tools to activate voters who hate abortion so much, they will vote Pro-Life first,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “We’ll be bringing 2,362 baby socks with us to each campus stop, representing the number of babies lost to us each day to the violence of abortion. And, now, with a vacancy at

A Woman on the U.S. Supreme Court: A Closer Look of Front-runners Judges Amy Comey Barrett and Barbara Lagoa
SFLA Staff | September 23, 2020
President Donald J. Trump will announce his third nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on Saturday, September 26. Trump had committed to nominating a woman to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed away on September 18. Various lists have been released by Trump during his time as a candidate and in office, with fantastic picks to be considered. At

Victory! FDA Approves Discontinuing Unethical Polio Vaccines
Brenna Lewis | September 22, 2020
Pro-lifers are constantly in the crossfire of abortion as the issue extends far beyond violence at Planned Parenthood facilities. Most are also aware that the cells of aborted babies are often used to create vaccines. While vaccines are of course a human good and help prevent suffering, the use of aborted cells is not necessary to create them, and

Abortion Does Not Cure COVID – Vatican Condemns UN’s Response as “Deeply Concerning”
Jessica Nardi | September 21, 2020
The Vatican is responding to the United Nations’ recently released resolution on the COVID-19 pandemic” which included “reproductive rights” as a top priority. The UN “[c]alls upon States to take all measures necessary to ensure the right of women and girls to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, including sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights,”

Kamala Harris Alludes to Joe Biden as a Puppet President
Jessica Nardi | September 21, 2020
At a campaign event in Tampa, Florida, Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris referred to the ticket as the “Harris administration with Joe Biden as President.” What might seem like a silly gaffe, is either a Freudian slip or a dog-whistle to audiences that fear Joe Biden isn’t a competent choice for president. If it’s the former, Harris thinks that

Vice Thinks We’re Racist for Saying “Black Preborn Lives Matter”
Brenna Lewis | September 18, 2020
This week, Vice took notice of pro-life efforts (Students for Life in particular) to draw attention to the racial implications of abortion given our country’s current climate. The critique is truly delicious. In essence, the thesis is that we are racist for promoting our “Black Preborn Lives Matter” campaign. From the word go, Vice doesn’t like us. That’s definitely

President Trump Adds 20 More Names to his SCOTUS List
Brenna Lewis | September 9, 2020
Earlier today, the president announced the addition of 20 more names to his already 25-strong list of judges he would consider appointing to a Supreme Court seat. This is a real red-meat list, and Students for Life of America is optimistic about Trump’s choices. For instance, on the list is Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, a pro-life African American

Candace Owens Destroys Cardi B After the Rapper Takes Shots at Her Baby
Jessica Nardi | September 9, 2020
Pro-life pundit Candace Owens got into a Twitter fight with popular rapper Cardi B (whose real name is Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar), after tweeting an interview explaining that Joe Biden is using as Almánzar a promotional tool, when she’s clearly uneducated about the issues. Owens further called out Almánzar’s music for contributing to the “disintegration of black culture and values.”