Category: Featured
Kamala Harris’s Sterile DNC Acceptance Speech Masks a Very Pro-Abortion Agenda
Jessica Nardi | August 21, 2020
Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris officially accepted her position at the Democratic National Convention, assuring voters of her support for women and children. But these words mask a cruel and misguided (at best) agenda of fully legalizing and radicalizing abortion. Let’s read between the lines. For the full text of her acceptance speech, click here. Harris: I’ve fought for
Questions & Answers with the Mother of a Child with Down Syndrome
Jessica Nardi | August 21, 2020
Some may react to a diagnosis of Down syndrome with fear, but for Ann Poirier, she sees it as a blessing in disguise in her beautiful daughter Alice. It seems that society’s problem with reacting negatively to babies who “rock an extra chromosome!” as Poirier says, is more with the stigma than the actual diagnosis. SFLA had the opportunity to
SERIOUSLY? Professor Chloe Clark at Iowa State Forbids the Pro-Life Viewpoint in Her Classroom
Sarah Michalak | August 19, 2020
This week, Young Americans for Freedom discovered that Professor Chloe Clark from Iowa State University warned conservative and pro-life students that if they express their opinions in her English Course, they will be dismissed. Her syllabus started with the following warning: “GIANT WARNING: any instances of othering that you participate in intentionally (racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, sorophobia, transphobia, classism,
The U.S. Government is Making an “American Heroes” Statue Garden. Here’s Who Should Be There…
Brenna Lewis | August 19, 2020
The Department of Interior is taking suggestions for the new National Garden of American Heroes. Thirty-one American heroes have already been nominated after President Trump announced an executive order for the garden’s creation on July 3rd. Below are some pro-life leaders we’d recommend to be in the sculpture garden someday; memorializing the sanctity of human life and the heroes
President Trump Pardons Susan B. Anthony for Illegally Voting in 1872
Brenna Lewis | August 18, 2020
Today is the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage. Many women (and men) of American history played pivotal roles in securing this right, but today, President Trump opted to honor Susan B. Anthony by officially pardoning her of her “crime” of voting in 1872 – nearly 50 years before it was legal via the 19th Amendment. Pro-life advocates are especially
Welcome to the Students for Life Team, Toni McFadden!
Brenna Lewis | August 18, 2020
Students for Life of America is excited to welcome a new member to our team: Toni McFadden! Toni will serve as the new Minority Outreach and Healthy Relationships Director. Students for Life has worked with Toni often over the years, but bringing her formally onto our team allows for an even deeper partnership that is sure to benefit the
TWO More Babies Saved Online!
Brenna Lewis | August 12, 2020
Despite Family Pressure, Mom Chooses Life by Sarah Minnich, SFLA Upper Midwest Regional Coordinator We often say that abortion demonstrates a failure on the part of society to love and support women in need. This reality has become more apparent to my coworkers and myself as we began online outreach to abortion-minded women. The stories of these women are heart
Planned Parenthood’s Bad Decade
Brenna Lewis | August 12, 2020
These past few years have cast significant doubt upon Planned Parenthood’s public image as a compassionate women’s healthcare organization. The nation’s largest abortion vendor has been caught in several egregious scandals that have exposed their true character. Propaganda has a limited lifespan, and as more of the truth about Planned Parenthood comes to light, it’s unlikely the corporation will
Joe Biden and VP Pick Kamala Harris Make for Most Pro-Abortion Ticket Ever
Jessica Nardi | August 12, 2020
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has named Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate, forming a thoroughly pro-abortion ticket, the likes of which we’ve never seen. Through both Biden and Harris are strongly pro-abortion, the latter’s record on life is perhaps even more disturbing. This isn’t something new; Harris is a time-tested abortion supporter long before Biden tapped her
Students for Life Action Volunteers Help Secure THREE Pro-Life Victories
Jessica Nardi | August 11, 2020
Despite last week’s incident with the arrest of two of Students for Life’s members, pro-life activists aren’t backing down. In fact, Students for Life Action had several notable victories this past week. Students for Life Action mobilized student volunteers to knock on doors and compare the record of Arizona’s Republican, yet pro-abortion, State Senator Heather Carter (SD-15) with pro-life