Your Family-Friendly Walgreens and CVS Wants More Dead Babies and EVERYONE to Drink More Medical Wastewater  

Jordan Estabrook - 01 Mar 2024

Once a go-to for pharmacy, health and wellness, and photo products, Walgreens and CVS recently added “deadly Chemical Abortion Pill provider” to their offerings list.

The New York Times reported that CVS and Walgreens received certification to dispense mifepristone, one of a two-part abortion drug regimen, in Rhode Island and Massachusetts with plans to expand to other states. Did they fail to consider the long list of common side effects? 

The most heartbreaking side effect of all is a dead child.

Sounds like money is a strong motivator, despite the American Pharmacists Association’s claim that it’s “unlikely to generate significant revenue.”  

READ: Abortion Supporters Try to Suppress Lifesaving Abortion Pill Reversal 

But sure, let’s include this pill at your family-friendly pharmacy. Need we say more?  

LEARN MORE: Action Center | This Is Chemical Abortion 

Actually, we have A LOT more to say.  

Students for Life of America sounded off the alarms for abortions connection to hazardous drinking water and endangering other species for the past couple of years. Increasingly unfettered access to Chemical Abortion Pills through two chain pharmacies equals more dead babies and tainted fetal tissue and medical waste.  

READ: Students for Life of America Submits Legal Analysis to the Environmental Protection Agency, Detailing Reasons for Tracking the Active Metabolites in Chemical Abortion Pills because “Everyone needs Safe Drinking Water” 

A noticeable increase in “forever chemicals” in freshwater poses significant health risks to the entire U.S. population. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), forever chemicals, known also as PFAS, effect people through reproductive issues, developmental issues or delays in children, increased risk of cancer, natural hormone interference and increased cholesterol and obesity.  

Students for Life Action drafted a letter earlier this year calling on Congress to demand that the EPA track the forever chemicals in Chemical Abortion pills as part of their new initiative. 

“The safety of America’s drinking water demands that deliberate pollution be addressed, and pollutants tracked to the best of our nation’s ability,” the letter states. “Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has begun monitoring a list of ‘forever chemicals’ – substances that linger in America’s drinking water and are determined to pose a risk to those exposed to them.” 

These legitimate concerns won’t get in the way of CVS and Walgreens’ grand plans. “CVS is the nation’s largest chain with over 9,000 stores in all 50 states,” NY Times reporter Pam Belluck wrote. “Walgreens has about 8,500 stores in all states except North Dakota.”  

Expansion to nearly 20,000 stores nationwide endangers everyone’s lives. Factor in that these pharmacists aren’t equipped to handle Chemical Abortion Pill side effects, death and injury rates among hospitals and Emergency Rooms are bound to increase. As the Charlotte Lozier accurately reported in its Emergency Room study:  

“The reasons for the increasing rate of ER visits following mifepristone abortions are not readily apparent but may be influenced by mifepristone abortion providers who are unable or unskilled to handle complications after chemical abortions. This finding would be consistent with an analysis of FDA Adverse Event Reports which showed that abortion providers only managed slightly over half of the dilation and curettage procedures (D&Cs) required for hemorrhage and retained tissue, and the remainder were handled by the emergency room.” 

With your neighborhood pharmacies becoming official abortion mills, expect more ill-prepared pharmacists, deaths, hospital complications, and hundreds of thousands of dead babies, along with the drugs that killed them, in our waterways and drinking water. 

Turns out they’re not so family friendly. It’s time to say “no more” to endangering our families and think twice before giving money to these abortion-loving companies. Get your aspirin and photos printed somewhere else. 

READ NEXT: CVS Tragically Switches Pregnant Mother’s Prescription With Chemical Abortion Pill, Killing Her Two Preborn Babies   

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