Category: pro-life

Culture Shift: Why the 2025 Super Bowl’s Pro-Life & Pro-Family Commercials Mark a Change in America
Jordan Estabrook | February 12, 2025
While this year’s Super Bowl between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles ended in the Chiefs’ brutal defeat, the pro-life and pro-family commercials were undefeated and widely praised by Americans, and for good reason. After the abortion reign of former President Joe Biden and his administration, it was refreshing to see commercials embracing normal and morally upright ideas,

Students for Life of America Begins Making America Pro-Life Again on College Campuses, Continuing Speaking Tours for Kristan Hawkins & Lydia Taylor Davis
Jordan Estabrook | February 11, 2025
“As President Donald Trump began his second term in office, he freed 23 pro-life prisoners. While the pro-life movement works to repeal the FACE Act once and for all, freedom isn’t just something that those in prison need. Many college students live in oppressive educational environments, surrounded by a pro-abortion culture and media holding a powerful megaphone,” said Students for

The FACE Act Farce: Pro-Abortion Aggressor Gets Convicted by a STATE, One More Reason to Repeal the FACE Act
Jordan Estabrook | February 10, 2025
If there was ever a case that proved that the weaponized and Clinton-era Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act needed to go, this would be it. A Maryland man, Patrick Brice, was reportedly charged with and convicted of assaulting two elderly pro-lifers outside of a Baltimore Planned Parenthood, resulting in serious injuries. This would seemingly be one of

Maternal Mortality Rate Who? After Roe’s Reversal, CDC’s 2023 Report Reveals DECREASE in Maternal Death
Jordan Estabrook | February 7, 2025
Now, almost two and half years since the reversal of Roe v. Wade, the tired and tried “pro-life laws endanger women” line from abortion apologists to manipulate women into bowing the knee to the abortion industry has proven “false.” Thanks to the recent jaw-dropping data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), abortion supporters can wipe their tears with this

Movie Review of a “Better Man”: A Film’s Big Step in Showing Abortion’s Toll on the Heart
Christian Alan | February 7, 2025
For many in the pro-life movement, pro-life convictions are rooted in defense of the millions of mothers and fathers who were shamed or manipulated into an abortion or were told that an abortion was their only legitimate resolution for an unplanned pregnancy. And Hollywood has played its part in the erasure of the post-abortive parents who regret their abortions and

FACT CHECK: No, Pro-Life Laws Aren’t Driving a Mass Exodus to Pro-Abortion States
Mia Akins | February 7, 2025
In another desperate attempt to blame the pro-life movement, a recent report from CBS claims that new pro-life laws implemented since the reversal of Roe v. Wade are motivating people to move away from pro-life states. Analysts at the Georgia Institute of Technology found that 13 states with strong pro-life protections have lost a net total of 36,000 residents. The

A Constitutional Crisis Emerges from the Biggest Parenting “L”: A Louisiana Grandma Reportedly Buys Chemical Abortion Pills From New York to Forcibly End Her Grandchild’s Life.
Jordan Estabrook | February 5, 2025
A Constitutional crisis is in the making in a heart-breaking story out of Louisiana, as a grandmother allegedly caused her grandchild’s death. Perhaps one of the biggest parenting “L”s in recent memory has captured the internet as reports of a Louisiana mother who forced her underaged daughter to kill her preborn child with Chemical Abortion Pills went viral. This traumatic

MONSTER COVERAGE: Students for Life of America Leaves Its Mark on the Media During the 2025 Pro-Life March & National Pro-Life Summit
Jordan Estabrook | January 29, 2025
Students for Life of America (SFLA) made its mark all over the mainstream media at the 2025 Pro-Life March and SFLA’s fifth annual National Pro-Life Summit, and for good reason. After the historic inauguration of President Donald Trump and his pardoning of 23 peaceful pro-lifers, SFLA tirelessly worked to make our presence known and persistence for pro-life legislation clear to

Meet St. Mary’s Students for Life Group, January’s Group of the Month!
Victoria Trujillo | January 29, 2025
In Colorado, one of the most pro-abortion states in the country, one high school took the initiative to ensure its pro-life message spread far and wide, making it Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) January’s Group of the Month. St. Mary’s Students for Life in Colorado Springs hosted the Rocky Mountain Pro-Life March on Monday, Jan. 20, Martin Luther King

The Pro-Life Generation Calls on Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s to Discuss Our Shared Priorities for HHS & “Balance the Ticket” for LIFE
Jordan Estabrook | January 29, 2025
Students for Life Action and the Pro-Life Generation Calls on President Trump and His Head of HHS to: End the Weaponized Abuse of Agencies by Big Abortion Pharma & Protect the Environment from Pills Recklessly Approved “Given RFK Jr’s long-term advocacy on behalf of the environment and his concerns for how federal agencies have abused their authority, we believe we can work with