Category: Stem Cell Research

No, President Trump’s Covid-19 Treatment Did Not Come from an Aborted Fetus
Brenna Lewis | October 9, 2020
When the media sees the opportunity to rant against Trump and pro-lifers when they can claim President Donald Trump’s Covid-19 Treatment came from aborted fetal cells, they go with it. The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) breaks it down with a statement from David Prentice, Ph.D. and Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D. The answer is “straightforward,” according to the statement, with

Victory! FDA Approves Discontinuing Unethical Polio Vaccines
Brenna Lewis | September 22, 2020
Pro-lifers are constantly in the crossfire of abortion as the issue extends far beyond violence at Planned Parenthood facilities. Most are also aware that the cells of aborted babies are often used to create vaccines. While vaccines are of course a human good and help prevent suffering, the use of aborted cells is not necessary to create them, and

UCSF is (Still) Dismembering Live Human Babies
Jessica Nardi | July 9, 2020
The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) operates and funds over 100 abortion training programs across the United States, including training for abortions committed after viability (20 weeks of gestation). Pro-Life San Francisco recently released a video titled UCSF: A Real Life American Horror Story showing how one of California’s most prestigious public universities takes abortion to all extremes.

The GOP Decided to Keep 2016’s Platform: What’s in it for LIFE?
Jessica Nardi | June 29, 2020
The Republican Party’s platform is unyielding in its defense of the dignity of preborn human life. While the Democratic Party continues to override abortion restrictions in its platform, the GOP hasn’t changed any of their positions on life since its decision to keep its 2016 platform. This means the pro-life movement can rest assured that the party will continue

Stop Pretending ‘Scientists’ Are Always Ethical
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2020
Out of the field of medical research this week comes two very different stories that highlight two very different approaches to ethics. In America, the Trump administration has imposed restrictions on research using fetal tissue. In Mexico, researchers are paying women to get pregnant then abort… for science, of course. Both of these stories deserve some unpacking. Fetal Tissue Research