Category: Med & Law

Students for Life of America calls the Supreme Court’s FDA decision “Disappointing but not Surprising,” Notes that the Case Against Chemical Abortion Pills will Continue & Hopefully with an Environmental Focus
Kristi Hamrick | June 13, 2024
“The Supreme Court’s decision that the conscience rights of the pro-life doctors would not be enough to stop Chemical Abortion Pills is not the end of this case,” said Students for Life of America’s Kristan Hawkins. “The Biden Administration allowed distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills in a way that exposes women to injury, infertility, and death, as well as empowers

Students for Life of America Rallying at Supreme Court in Protest of the Biden Administration’s Weaponization of Federal Policy by Forcing Abortion into Emergency Rooms
Kristi Hamrick | April 24, 2024
“If you’re unclear whether abortion is a federal AND state issue, today’s hearing at the Supreme Court should remove all doubt,” said Students for Life Action’s Savanna Deretich. “Pregnancy is not a disease cured by abortion, and this offensive attack on state’s rights shows that Joe Biden’s team will abuse any program to ensure more die by intentional abortion.” MEDIA ALERT:

Students for Life of America Rallying at Supreme Court in Protest of the Biden Administration’s Weaponization of Federal Policy by Forcing Abortion into Emergency Rooms
Kristi Hamrick | April 22, 2024
“When a pregnant mother goes to an emergency room in Idaho, courageous medical professionals rush to help two patients. For that kind of heroism, Idaho will be at the Supreme Court fighting back against another weaponized program, tainted by the anti-baby bias of the Biden Administration,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “You can tell how radical Biden’s team is in their

Time for a ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Rerun: Amidst Christmas Preparation, New York College Launches Film Competition to Celebrate Abortion
Caroline Wharton | December 12, 2023
Despite global preparation for the celebration of Christmas this year, one college in New York has decided they’re opting to celebrate abortion instead — isn’t that jolly ironic? During this time in which Christians commemorate the birth of Baby Jesus, reports show that Barnard College has chosen to instead applaud the fact that, through the violence of abortion, many preborn

With Data on ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Freshwater Fish Piling Up, Stop Claiming Pro-Lifers Are Crying Wolf About Abortion Drugs in the Water
Caroline Wharton | December 6, 2023
If you’re not a little creeped out about our nation’s water supply, you must not be reading the headlines because they’re not looking too hot when it comes to harmful drugs found in the environment. In particular, those who love eating fish should be concerned as data continues to crop up about the dangers of consuming the freshwater variety. A

Why Are Our Country’s Sexual Ethics So Bad? Planned Parenthood & Convicted Prostitutes Are in Charge of Public School Sex Education
Caroline Wharton | November 30, 2023
When children are given age-inappropriate or poor information about sex, it’s no wonder that they’ll experience hardships from putting those harmful ideas into practice — hence why one in five Americans now has a sexually transmitted disease. For a host of other reasons as well (such as irresponsible sex leading to becoming pregnant with a partner whom you don’t want

The Abortion Lobby Says I Should Have Been Aborted; Here’s Why I Fundamentally Disagree as an Adoptee
Caroline Wharton | November 29, 2023
GUEST POST: As we end National Adoption Month, I am living proof that adoption is always a better option than abortion — and I mean every time. The abortion lobby likes to counter statements like that with what-if circumstances, but my story proves each one wrong. Here’s what I mean: Pro-Abortion Lie #1: Adoptees are Better Off Dead Born in

VICTORY: New Study Shows 32,000 Lives Saved Post-Roe in States with Heartbeat or Better Protections
Caroline Wharton | November 28, 2023
Why do Students for Life of America (SFLA) and Students for Life Action (SFLAction) insist on supporting strong legal protections of Heartbeat or Better for the preborn? Two words: they work. Don’t believe it? Consider the findings then of a newly released study which shows that more than 30,000 lives were saved after the reversal of Roe v. Wade in

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Ella Schumacher in the National Leaders Collective Makes Her Mark as an Ohio Pro-Life Leader
Caroline Wharton | November 27, 2023
GUEST POST: Students for Life of America (SFLA) is proud to accept amazing students like Ella Schumacher, a senior at Kalida High School, into our leadership programs through the National Leaders Collective (NLC). For the 2023-2024 school year, Schumacher will be a part of the Thaddeus Stevens Fellowship program, becoming an expert in high school pro-life leadership and leading her

FACT CHECK: Abortion Does Occur in the Second & Third Trimester
Caroline Wharton | November 21, 2023
Abortions in the second and third trimesters are a hotly debated topic, and the abortion lobby cannot even agree amongst themselves on what stance they’re taking on it (read: lying about it). Depending on which abortion supporter you find yourself in conversation with, you might be told the myth that abortions never occur later in pregnancy (fact check: they do)