Category: ProLife Laws

Of Course the Democrats Hated Roe – It Didn’t Go Far Enough
Mattison Brooks | September 7, 2023
Here is the latest from our sister organization, Students for Life Action. “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” That invaluable, but sadly overlooked, perspective is critical to the future successes of the pro-life movement along with any person or the party that depends on social conservatives. As it stands, there are far too many

The Everything Related to Abortion Act Represents a Trojan Horse for Abortion that has Failed to Pass Constitutional Muster
Kristi Hamrick | September 28, 2022
“Abortion activists will not be able to bully their way into the Constitution. As the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, ‘there is too much controversy’ over the failed push to get 38 states to agree with a radical abortion agenda,” said Students for Life Action’s Kristan Hawkins. WASHINGTON, D.C. (09-28-2022) – As efforts are underway in a D.C. appeals court to

Women Don’t Need Roe v. Wade – Here’s Why
Brenna Lewis | December 1, 2021
The Pro-Life Generation knows how monumental the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case is in taking a legal swing at Roe v. Wade. That’s why students and team members literally camped out in front of the Supreme Court overnight on November 30th in preparation for the December 1st hearing day for Dobbs. The following is SFLA President Kristan Hawkins’s address on hearing day… Good Morning

An Open Letter to a Young Texan
Brenna Lewis | October 18, 2021
Dear Young Texan, I am not sure how to address you. I do not know your name. I do not know your gender. I do not even know, definitively, whether you will grow up in Texas. Many years will pass before you will be old enough to read this. But with a few clues, I hope that this open

We Went to the Supreme Court to Support This Attorney General’s Fight to Outlaw Dismemberment Abortion in His State
Stephanie Stone | October 13, 2021
Yesterday, Students for Life of America rallied in front of the Supreme Court as hearings began for the Cameron v. EMW Women’s Surgical Center case out of Kentucky. Read more in our press release here. The importance of this case is two-fold. In 2018, Kentucky’s government passed H.B. 454, which banned the violent second trimester dismemberment abortion. We know that

Mayor of St. Louis: ‘I Like Abortion Because It Brings Funding Into Our City’
Brenna Lewis | October 6, 2021
Since Texas passed Senate Bill 8 or the “Heartbeat Bill,” pro-abortion activists have been hosting “Stop the Bans” rallies throughout the country. Students for Life of America leaders were on the ground in Saint Louis and Chicago to respond to these protests and show that the Pro-Life Generation will not give up the ground it has recently gained.

The Abortion Industry Says We Want to Jail Women. Is It True?
Brenna Lewis | October 6, 2021
Recently, the abortion industry and its supporters have pushed the notion that the pro-life movement wants to sentence women to prison for seeking an abortion or even for miscarrying a child. This is blatantly false… so let’s examine this popular criticism of the Pro-Life movement that is just so wrong. When did this belief become so popular? The conversation

Male Abortion Supporter SHOVES Pro-Life Woman at Kavanaugh Protest!
Brenna Lewis | September 16, 2021
Abortion supporters, enraged that the Supreme Court opted not to block Texas’s Heartbeat Act which went into effect on September 1st, recently descended upon the private home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh with an unpermitted and noisy protest. Kavanaugh, who has a wife and two young girls, was among the five Justices who voted not to block the pro-life law.

This is What Codifying Roe v. Wade Means
Brenna Lewis | September 15, 2021
In wake of Texas legislation, Senate Bill 8, also known as the “Heartbeat Bill,” the push to “codify” Roe v. Wade has become louder and more insistent. Politicians, government officials, and interest groups are now calling for a codification of the 1973 decision and have been for some time now. This codification concept can be a daunting one to

We Don’t Want Our Tax Dollars to Pay for Abortion… So We Rallied
Brenna Lewis | September 14, 2021
On September 13th, Students for Life of America rallied outside of the offices of key legislators to encourage support of the Hyde Amendment (which protects taxpayers from being forced to fund abortion) and expose their records of pushing for public abortion funding. The Hyde Amendment is a political “rider” that that is attached to the annual HHS Labor appropriations