Category: pro-life

Almost Aborted: Josiah’s Story
Jordan Estabrook | June 18, 2024
Josiah Presley is the survivor of a first trimester abortion. As a crucial part of Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) six-figure national messaging campaign, ALMOST ABORTED, Pressley bravely shared is almost aborted story alongside other courageous individuals, including Faith and Rebecca. Presley’s story is one that abortion supporters don’t want to discuss, because there is LIFE in the

NEW SPEAKER CONFIRMED FOR “NATIONAL CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKEND”: Congressman Bob Good of Virginia Will Speak at Second Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Reversal in Washington D.C. THIS WEEK
Mattison Brooks | June 17, 2024
“Last year’s National Celebrate Life Day was a moving experience, celebrating the end of an injustice and the beginning of new opportunity for change,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “Still, we are in a marathon, not sprint, for the hope that the more than 65 million lives lost will not be joined by countless more. This

These Celebrity Dads Put Hollywood to Shame: Five Stars Who Model Sacrificial Fatherhood
Jordan Estabrook | June 14, 2024
Fatherhood begins at conception, and it’s a role men should take seriously. As the U.S. Census Bureau reported in 2023, 17.8 million children (about the population of New York), nearly one in 4, live without a biological, step, or adoptive father. The less a father is involved, the more likelihood their children will engage in deviant or criminal behavior.

Almost Aborted: Rebecca’s Story
Jordan Estabrook | June 14, 2024
As a crucial part of Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) six-figure national messaging campaign, ALMOST ABORTED, brave individuals stepped out to tell their stories. Rebecca Kiessling’s story is one that Democrats call the “exception:” Abortion due to rape. If Kiessling’s mother wasn’t restricted by pro-life laws, she could’ve been one of those children aborted. Yet, abortion-hungry Democrats not

Students for Life of America calls the Supreme Court’s FDA decision “Disappointing but not Surprising,” Notes that the Case Against Chemical Abortion Pills will Continue & Hopefully with an Environmental Focus
Kristi Hamrick | June 13, 2024
“The Supreme Court’s decision that the conscience rights of the pro-life doctors would not be enough to stop Chemical Abortion Pills is not the end of this case,” said Students for Life of America’s Kristan Hawkins. “The Biden Administration allowed distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills in a way that exposes women to injury, infertility, and death, as well as empowers

BABY SAVED: How Thaddeus Stevens Fellow Bridget O’Sullivan’s Compassion and Quick Thinking Gave a Mother the Courage to Choose Life
Bridget O’Sullivan | June 13, 2024
Early in 2024, I organized a pro-life chalk day in front of an abortion facility in Arizona. During that time, there had been a rush to put abortion back on the ballot. Pro-lifers were running “Decline the Sign” movements to make sure people did not sign these petitions that pro-abortion lobbyists were pushing. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NATIONAL LEADERS COLLECTIVE While

Almost Aborted: Faith’s Story
Jordan Estabrook | June 11, 2024
As a crucial part of Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) six-figure national messaging campaign, ALMOST ABORTED, brave individuals stepped to tell their ALMOST ABORTED stories – the ones abortion-hungry Democrats not only don’t want the public to hear, but the ones they distract from by using their platforms, money, and power to mislead the public about the perceived need

ALMOST ABORTED Launches in New York Times Square
Jordan Estabrook | June 10, 2024
Abortion-loving Democrats want you to believe abortion is necessary, and they’re willing to spend millions of dollars to prove it. $200 million, actually. This summer, Students for Life of America (SFLA) is punching back with an offensive and national messaging campaign, ALMOST ABORTED, against the abortion industry’s $200 million advertising campaign. SFLA’s six-figure campaign, including billboards and digital ads, targets

We Won’t Be Silenced: Students for Life of America Launches ALMOST ABORTED Billboard Campaign with True Stories that Abortion Extremist Democrats IGNORE
Kristi Hamrick | June 7, 2024
The Pro-Life Generation and Students for Life of America (SFLA) are using their voices to counter the one-sided, misogynistic advertising and messaging pushed by the abortion-hungry Biden-Harris Administration and the over-funded abortion industry by targeting states with ballot initiatives. “Pro-Life Generation is going on the offense in this election cycle with the ALMOST ABORTED National Campaign launching in Times Square,

Three Abortion-Related Case Decisions Students for Life of America is Watching at the U.S. Supreme Court
Kristi Hamrick | June 6, 2024
Students for Life of America (SFLA) was involved with three U.S. Supreme Court cases in 2024 due to its connection to abortion, whether agency involvement is direct or indirect. READ: Keep An Eye on the Supreme Court: Three Cases SFLA Has Filed Briefs in & Pro-Lifers Need to Watch All the cases have big-picture implications for how agencies operate, specifically