Category: High School Students

The Term “Pro-Life” Fits Our Movement Like a Glove: Here’s Why
Caroline Wharton | September 25, 2023
There’s been chatter in the news lately about a messaging shift away from term “pro-life” as some politicians consider alternative titles for our life-affirming values. While creativity shouldn’t be stifled, we’re not so sure there’s a better descriptor out there. When you consider the term “pro-life” and what our movement actually stands for, the two seem to fit together like Cinderella and

SFLA Alumni Highlight: Kelsey Hazzard
Caroline Wharton | May 23, 2023
GUEST POST: Kelsey Hazzard graduated from the University of Miami in 2009 and the University of Virginia School of Law in 2012. She was the founder and president of her Students for Life group at University of Miami and an officer of her group at University of Virginia School of Law. Additionally, she was a member of the very first

The Campaign for Abortion Free Cities is Still Fighting in Bellevue, Nebraska for an Ordinance Victory
Caroline Wharton | April 13, 2023
GUEST POST: The community of Bellevue, Nebraska has been anxiously anticipating word since the end of February on whether there were sufficient signatures gathered to introduce a Sanctuary City for the Preborn Ordinance. This ordinance would in part bar the local abortion vendor, C.A.R.E., which is operated by the infamous abortionist Dr. LeRoy Carhart, from committing further harmful abortions. (CLICK

SFLA Staffer and VA Resident Shares Why She’s Galvanized by the Election of Pro-Life Winsome Sears
SFLA Staff | November 5, 2021
My name is Norvilia Etienne, and I am Students for Life of America’s Fellowship and Impact Coordinator. This election season, I knew that I would vote pro-life first—that abortion was the single most important problem to me when choosing a candidate. That’s because abortion is the human rights issue of our day. Not only is abortion violence the legally sanctioned murder of our

Learn How to Start a Students for Life Group on Your Campus
Lori Cascio | June 29, 2021
Being pro-life is more than liking a few social media graphics. It requires courage, support, leadership, and knowledge. Students for Life is the best place to grow in all of these areas! We work with over 1,200 pro-life student groups at schools across the nation. If your school is not one of them, it is time to change that. Register

Thousands of Pro-Choicers Attack Students for Life on TikTok
SFLA Staff | July 16, 2020
Since last November, Students for Life has used the popular social media platform, TikTok, to spread the pro-life message to a younger audience. However, in recent weeks, the account has been under attack by pro-abortion users for affirming pro-life values. In May, SFLA posted a video with an original sound with a “put-a-finger-down if” style video where the user puts

Pro-Choice Publication Writes Propaganda Piece For Planned Parenthood
Brenna Lewis | June 8, 2020 is a pro-choice publication that seems to exist to fearmonger about President Trump and push propaganda for Planned Parenthood. They recently published an article that seemed to just be a Planned Parenthood press release, and didn’t seem to ask some obvious questions. The article is titled, “Health officials fear the pandemic will cause STIs to increase.” While opening by
Senate Democrats Say Planned Parenthood Should Be Allowed To Keep Improperly Obtained Taxpayer Dollars
Brenna Lewis | May 27, 2020
Planned Parenthood improperly received $80 million in taxpayer money that was meant to help support small businesses who were harmed due to the coronavirus. The Paycheck Protection Program money had been set aside to try to keep the economy afloat, as state and federal guidelines on social distancing were putting people out of work and harming businesses. But Senate Democrats,
Pro-Life Senators Call For An Investigation Into Planned Parenthood
Brenna Lewis | May 21, 2020
A group of pro-life Senators are calling for an investigation into Planned Parenthood after it improperly received $80 million in coronavirus funding. The letter, signed by nearly 30 Senators, urges an investigation into Planned Parenthood and demands accountability for whoever granted the money through the Small Business Administration. The letter was spearheaded by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Senator Marsha

David Daleiden Sues Planned Parenthood and Kamala Harris For Violating His Civil Rights
Brenna Lewis | May 14, 2020
David Daleiden, the pro-life journalist who exposed the trafficking of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood, has filed a lawsuit against Senator Kamala Harris for her actions as Attorney General of California. Harris is accused of violating the civil rights of David Daleiden. Other people, including current-California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, is also being sued, as well as Planned Parenthood.