Category: Free-Speech

Smug Professor Harasses SFLA College Students at Florida International University
Jordan Estabrook | February 21, 2024
“She can kill it.” While Students for Life of America at Florida International University (FIU) peacefully engaged in pro-life advocacy efforts, a pro-abortion professor had something different in mind. Instead of behaving like an adult, he decided to harass and insult SFLA students. The SFLA FIU chapter tabled like they do every week in the student center. They encourage open conversations

Pro-Life Violations Extend Beyond American College Campuses: UK Preacher Convicted for Displaying Bible Verse Sign Outside Abortion Facility
Jordan Estabrook | February 5, 2024
Free speech violations on college campuses continue to make the news, and for good reason. Students for Life of America’s (SLFA) findings last year pointed towards the second most significant issue among pro-lifers on campus: speech censorship by school administrations. This issue isn’t isolated to school campuses in the United States. Recently, UK Christian preacher Stephen Green was prosecuted

Biggest Losers of Fall 2023 National Pro-Life Chalk Day: Pro-Abortion Vandals
Caroline Wharton | October 24, 2023
GUEST POST: Students for Life of America (SFLA) groups across the nation recently participated in National Pro-Life Chalk Day Fall 2023, but plenty of abortion supporters evidently had a bone to pick with several groups’ chalk displays. Many were ruined as vandalism is sadly an all-too familiar occurrence for the Pro-Life Generation. Check out the 16 blatant instances of chalk censorship from this semester

Rather than Addressing Toxic Environment for Female Service Members, Leaked Veterans Affairs Videos Reveal Push for Abortion
Caroline Wharton | October 17, 2023
Recently leaked videos from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have become an alarming window into the business model and culture of the military. Troubling many pro-life Americans, it seems that pushing abortion is a part of the plan — because of a toxic environment leading to the videos meant to frighten and even bully female members into killing their children. Here’s

The Violence of the Pro-Abortion Movement Exposes the Hypocrisy of the DOJ Against the Pro-Life Movement
Mattison Brooks | October 9, 2023
Merrick Garland, the Supreme Court justice nominee that never was and otherwise emptiest of empty suits at the Department of Justice, got emotional during an interview with CBS’ Scott Pelley the other day. What was the source of his tears? Was it remorse for targeting of traditional conservatives and Catholics? Was it the lack of meaningful prosecution of the most

Abortion Supporters Mobbed Me, Ate a Preborn Baby Model, & Jumped on the Police Car I Escaped In
Caroline Wharton | September 29, 2023
GUEST POST: I recently visited Onondaga Community College (OCC) in Syracuse, New York with Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Defund Planned Parenthood Cemetery of the Innocents campus display. We brought a display consisting of 1,025 pink staked crosses to represent the lives lost to Planned Parenthood nationwide every single day, and I also brought preborn baby models to showcase

FREE SPEECH VICTORY: Circuit Court Finds Evidence of Viewpoint Discrimination for Excluding SFLA’s Pro-Life Perspective in Washington D.C. Case
Caroline Wharton | August 15, 2023
With pro-abortion attacks on free speech rising across the country, a new First Amendment victory for Students for Life of America (SFLA) is well worth celebrating as this well-overdue win makes it clear that viewpoint discrimination cannot be tolerated. A Circuit Court found evidence that the District of Columbia (D.C.) had censored pro-life free speech when officials arrested SFLA activists

Can’t Parade Your Stuff If You’re Pro-Life: Pro-Lifers Kicked Out While LGBTQ Allowed to March in Parade
Caroline Wharton | July 11, 2023
If you’re thinking about parading your stuff in celebration of a local holiday or festival, have at it and by all means go crazy — that is, unless you’re pro-life. Supporting the equal right to life for all is apparently fair grounds for not being treated equally; anyways, that’s what a local festival in Michigan implied when they ditched a

IN HER OWN WORDS: Pro-Life Group President Stalked By Pro-Abortion Student
Caroline Wharton | July 11, 2023
GUEST POST: Earlier this year, the Students for Life of America (SFLA) group I lead at Christopher Newport University (CNU) set up a Cemetery of the Innocents display. After our last display being stolen, my group stayed up to watch our property, and multiple vandalisms were caught on camera. Little did I know, however, that wouldn’t be the weirdest chain

National Celebrate Life Day Was a Hit — Just Check Out The Media!
Caroline Wharton | June 28, 2023
Unless you exclusively read The Washington Post, you probably have seen or read content about the recently passed National Celebrate Life Day because coverage of this celebration was huge. While the Post did run a piece about the pro-abortion Women’s March on the anniversary of Dobbs, the news outlet somehow failed to see the nearly 5,000 pro-lifers out in full