Category: Blogroll

New Vaccine Research for COVID-19 Will NOT Use Aborted Tissue
Mary Briganti | May 16, 2020
Organizations like the John Paul II Medical Research Institute are taking a different approach to developing a vaccine for the coronavirus by using adult stem cells, instead of ethically questionable aborted fetal cells in its research. Many organizations are focusing on stem cell research in the race for a way to fight the coronavirus. There are many vaccines and gene productions that have used aborted fetal cells because of their ability to morph into any cell

Abortion Vendors Want to Show Mothers Their Aborted Babies to ‘Prove Pro-Lifers Wrong’
Brenna Lewis | May 14, 2020
There is never a dull moment in the world of abortion news. Amidst the constant debate about whether or not to employ graphic images (or even just photos of living babies in the womb), the abortion industry has proposed something shocking and unexpected – they’re in favor of bringing mothers back to the “Products of Conception” room after their

David Daleiden Sues Planned Parenthood and Kamala Harris For Violating His Civil Rights
Brenna Lewis | May 14, 2020
David Daleiden, the pro-life journalist who exposed the trafficking of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood, has filed a lawsuit against Senator Kamala Harris for her actions as Attorney General of California. Harris is accused of violating the civil rights of David Daleiden. Other people, including current-California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, is also being sued, as well as Planned Parenthood.

Pro-Choice Vandal Attacks Pro-Life Sign During Bridge Display
Brenna Lewis | May 13, 2020
Pro-life advocates are no strangers to discrimination, destruction of our property, occasional physical violence, and other mistreatment… unfortunately. And, during an outreach event in Chicago, some members of SFLA’s young adult chapter Chicago Pro-Life Future, had an up-close and personal experience with someone who preferred destruction over dialogue. You can watch the video below… The vice president of Chicago Pro-Life
‘The Price Is Right’ Faces Massive Backlash Over Fundraising For Planned Parenthood
Brenna Lewis | May 13, 2020
‘The Price is Right’ is facing massive backlash after raising $100,000 for the nation’s largest abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood. Last year, Planned Parenthood killed 345, 672 babies through abortion. Fox News reports, “CBS’ primetime special “The Price is Right At Night” sparked heated reactions from viewers on social media over its decision to donate nearly $100,000 to Planned Parenthood. The

Facebook Names Pro-Abortion Law Professor, Impeachment “Witness” To Oversight Board
Brenna Lewis | May 12, 2020
Facebook regularly comes under criticism, and rightly so, for its censorship of pro-life or conservative content, as well as removing posts at the behest of some states over anti-lockdown protests. Now, they are signaling further that they support abortion and will seek to censor abortion content further (you may remember that they allow abortion industry spokesman Dr. Daniel Grossman to

Pro-Lifers are Still Needed on Abortion Facility Sidewalks
Stephanie Stone | May 11, 2020
On May 7th, 2020 a small group of pro-life student leaders came together to witness outside of Planned Parenthood of Baltimore. That morning, the five of us met on Howard Street in Baltimore, chalk and life-affirming resources in hand, our masks and gloves on, and an uncertainty with what to expect, given all that has been going on. As I drove through

How Can You Support the Foster Care System? Here’s Some Advice from a Former Foster Youth.
Brenna Lewis | May 11, 2020
As a former foster youth and current foster mom, people ask me questions about foster care often. During National Foster Care Awareness Month, one of the important questions I want to answer is, “How do I help foster youth when I’m not ready to be a foster parent?” First off, I want to address “ready” & say that God does

We’ve Made Sacrifices to Stop COVID-19. We Can Do It to Stop Abortion, Too.
Sarah Michalak | May 11, 2020
Americans and freedom. Words that are practically synonymous. Foundational to both ideas… is sacrifice. America was built on, sustained through, and known for its sacrificial spirit. Whether it was revolution from a tyrant, wars against unjust regimes, or blotting out moral evils like slavery, America has sacrificed economically, physically, and totally to protect its citizenry against injustice or harm. We

United Nations Uses Coronavirus Funding To Promote Abortion Instead
Brenna Lewis | May 11, 2020
The United Nations is supposed to promote world peace and international stability and serve as a place for countries to work out conflicts before turning to war. But instead, it has become another global entity that takes U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund abortion propaganda. Elyssa Koren, Director of United Nations Advocacy for ADF International, the international arm of pro-life non-profit