Category: Blogroll

Pro-Choice American Bar Association Cannot Even Stop Its Own Members From Throwing Molotov Cocktails
Brenna Lewis | June 4, 2020
The American Bar Association is a cartel, using political power to artificially limit the number of attorneys. Furthermore, it’s a pro-choice organization, regularly filing briefs in opposition to pro-life laws, and opposing President Trump’s judicial appointments when they have been outspokenly pro-life. The ABA says they are qualified to judge whether a judge is qualified or not (pretty good sentence,

The ACLU Warns About Police Overreach, But Wants Federal Government To Shut Down Churches That Won’t Pay For Abortifacient Birth Control
Brenna Lewis | June 3, 2020
The American Civil Liberties Union has a consistent record of fighting against police brutality, government spying, and other violations of civil liberties. In my opinion, their best work has been in these areas. That’s why I’ve always found their stance on religious freedom to be baffling; if your organization is committed to fighting the overreach of governmental authority and concerned

As America’s Turmoil Continues, Missouri Allows Their Unsafe Planned Parenthood to Stay Open
Brenna Lewis | June 2, 2020
Last Friday, a tragic decision by Missouri’s Administrative Hearing Commission will allow Missouri’s last abortion facility -The St. Louis Planned Parenthood – to remain open. Students for Life has worked ardently to expose the unsafe, unsanitary conditions at this facility for over a year. Thanks to activist judges and pro-abortion officials, this facility will be allowed to continue ending

Every Life is Purposeful, Loved, & Valuable
Toni McFadden | June 2, 2020
We discover the foundation of justice in the fact that all humans are equal and have the right to be treated with dignity. We breathe in justice when we hold onto the truth that every human is made purposeful and worthy, from conception to the legacy they leave. We see the blinding light of justice when we give babies the

Kick Off Your Summer with a “Pro-Life Challenge”
Lori Cascio | June 2, 2020
Hurry! The 2020 TALK Challenge is coming to a close and there is still time to sign up here. At the beginning of this school year (back when things were normal), we embarked on a challenge to have 250,000 conversations about abortion this year. This goal, called the T.A.L.K. Challenge, had to move digital when coronavirus struck in March. But students are

Students for Life of America Calls on the FDA to Consider the Environmental Impact of Fetal Remains in America’s Water
Kristi Hamrick | June 1, 2020
Students for Life of America Calls on the FDA to Protect Women from a Predatory Chemical Abortion Sales Team, Raises concerns about Environmental Impact of Human Remains in America’s Water “Given the deadly consequences of the drugs for women and certainly the preborn, no public policy interest is served in recklessly handing out pills that can cause death,” said SFLA’s

Missouri Commissioner Decides That Unsafe St. Louis Planned Parenthood Should Remain Open
Brenna Lewis | May 29, 2020
A single commissioner in Missouri has decided that an unsafe St. Louis Planned Parenthood should be allowed to remain open and continue committing abortions. The state has taken over a year to decide the fate of the last remaining Planned Parenthood abortion facility in the state. Commissioner Sreenivasa Rao Dandamudi wrote, in a ruling that makes no sense to those

On Black Friday, Can Pro-Lifers Shop from Businesses that Support Abortion?
Brenna Lewis | May 29, 2020
As pro-life advocates, the thought of handing over money to a business that makes substantial donations to Planned Parenthood or other players in the abortion industry is unsavory, to say the least. And, to be fair, whenever something seems ethically murky, it tends to be safest to err on the good side. You won’t be catching us condemning anyone

Planned Parenthood Supporter Will Now Oversee Fact-Checking For Twitter
Brenna Lewis | May 28, 2020
A Planned Parenthood supporter and strident opponent of President Donald Trump has been appointed to a job at Twitter; overseeing election ‘misinformation’, and apparently, fact-checking President Trump. But of course, this being Big Tech, he is also a support of the nation’s largest abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is facing several major legal problems, as they both try to

Students For Life Criticizes Push For Unsafe Abortion Drugs
Kristi Hamrick | May 27, 2020
“Abortion doesn’t cure a disease called ‘pregnancy,’ doesn’t cure Covid-19 and doesn’t provide women with the economic, social or educational support they may need,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. Washington D.C. (05-27-2020) – In light of a lawsuit filed by the ACLU on behalf of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists trying to force the FDA to put women at