Category: Adverse Diagnosis

Heartbeat of Resilience: Baby Indiana’s Journey with Trisomy 18 and the Unwavering Support of Her NICU Mom-Nurse
Jordan Estabrook | February 9, 2024
Registered NICU nurse Kathryn Kerr is accustomed to caring for the most vulnerable. When her daughter was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 and recommended for abortion, Kathryn embarked on the most difficult, joy-filled, and grievous journey of advocacy for her daughter, Indiana. She continues her advocacy for others as a care coordinator for Verity’s Village. Kathryn already had three beautiful teenagers

Unforeseen Blessings: Beverly’s Journey of Raising a Child with Trisomy 18 and Starting Verity’s Village
Jordan Estabrook | February 8, 2024
Beverly Jacobson had other plans for her life. She dreamed of using her English education in schools to help teenagers and have a couple kids along the way. It didn’t include having nine children, much less one with Trisomy 18, but that’s precisely what happened. Little did she know she’d start Verity’s Village, a nationwide initiative to support Trisomy 18

BREAKING NEWS: FDA Says Plan B or ‘The Morning After’ Pills Are Not Abortifacients in Pro-Abortion Narrative Change
Caroline Wharton | December 23, 2022
The holidays are in full swing, the family is all together, and you know what that means — for the abortion lobby, it’s the most wonderful time of the year to drop new pro-abortion news or policy so that it can slip under the radar. Case in point? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just announced that they are dramatically

SFLA to Attend the 2022 Virginia March for Life on the Eve of What May Be the End of Roe
Caroline Wharton | April 26, 2022
MEDIA ADVISORY: Students for Life of America team members and the Pro-Life Generation will be participating in the 2022 Virginia March for Life from 11 a.m. ET to 1 p.m. ET on Wednesday, April 27th, to support the preborn and protest the abortion industry. “Roe v. Wade turned 49, but we won’t see it turn 50 as it is,” said Students for Life

Vote Union University to Receive the Christian Schools Standing With You Scholarship!
Caroline Wharton | March 30, 2022
In December, 2021, Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement released its Christian Schools Project, investigating all 784 Christian schools across the country to identify any ties these Christian institutions have to the nation’s largest abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood. Click here to read the full research findings. Another goal of the Christian Schools Project was to

SFLAction Testifies in Support of Alabama’s HB 401, the Every Mother Matters Act, Preparing For An America Without Roe
Kristi Hamrick | March 30, 2022
“EMMA provides the opportunity to tear down the information barrier standing between the pregnant woman and embracing the life of her child,” said Savanna Deretich, Public Relations & Policy Coordinator for Students for Life Action. “There is no downside to ensuring that pregnant women have access to all the information relevant to their circumstances before she makes the irreversible and often unwanted decision

North Dakota Judges Forced to Allow Down Syndrome Abortions Even Though They’re “Eugenic”
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2021
Something unusual happened recently in a courthouse in Fargo, North Dakota. Two federal appeals judges, Ralph Erickson and Bobby Shepherd, were reviewing an Arkansas bill that would make it illegal to target babies with Down Syndrome for abortion. They wanted the bill to be allowed. But a 1992 judicial precedent forced them to deem it unconstitutional. So what did

Questions & Answers with the Mother of a Child with Down Syndrome
Jessica Nardi | August 21, 2020
Some may react to a diagnosis of Down syndrome with fear, but for Ann Poirier, she sees it as a blessing in disguise in her beautiful daughter Alice. It seems that society’s problem with reacting negatively to babies who “rock an extra chromosome!” as Poirier says, is more with the stigma than the actual diagnosis. SFLA had the opportunity to