Category: SFLA in the News

Thousands of Pro-Choicers Attack Students for Life on TikTok
SFLA Staff | July 16, 2020
Since last November, Students for Life has used the popular social media platform, TikTok, to spread the pro-life message to a younger audience. However, in recent weeks, the account has been under attack by pro-abortion users for affirming pro-life values. In May, SFLA posted a video with an original sound with a “put-a-finger-down if” style video where the user puts

“Black Preborn Lives Matter” Message Vandalized in Front of New York Planned Parenthood
Brenna Lewis | July 15, 2020
In the early morning hours of Independence Day, a group of students assembled in downtown Rochester, New York to state a simple truth outside the headquarters of Planned Parenthood for Upstate and Western New York. The students from the Rochester area Students for Life groups joined with the Fredrick Douglass Foundation of New York and Feminists Choosing Life of

Pro-Choice Media are Fibbing Big-Time About Supreme Court Birth Control Case
Brenna Lewis | July 9, 2020
There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the Supreme Court’s recent decision not to force businesses to provide contraception for employees (as part of the Affordable Care Act) if it goes against their religious/moral convictions. The case is Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania. And most of this confusion has been intentionally fabricated by pro-choice media. In a 7-2

Pro-Choice ‘Watchdog’ Organization Accidentally Promotes Pro-Life Views
Jessica Nardi | July 6, 2020
It’s a glorious day when abortion activists end up doing our job for us. Most of them take for granted the intellectual justifications for the pro-life movement, because, as we know, the most profound pro-choice philosophies come from bumper stickers and pink hats. Such was the case in Media Matters’s latest two pro-abortion pieces–the first criticizing pro-life advocates for