Vice President and Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ tapped a radical abortion-hungry and transgender-supporting politician as her vice-presidential pick.
Tim Walz is the governor of the once beautiful and now ash heap state of Minnesota, which is home to the “fiery, yet peaceful,” George Floyd riots, and some of the most radical abortion and transgender laws in the country. Walz’s wife, Gwen, even went on record during the riots, stating she opened the windows to smell the burning tires.

Copyright: © 2021 Chad Davis
Since his announcement as Harris’ running mate, he’s made waves the past 24 hours, receiving praise from abortion radicals like Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom, and abortion organizations like none other than Planned Parenthood.
However, the first wave he made in the 2024 news cycle started the conversation by stating that J.D. Vance is “weird.”
And ever since that fateful interview on MSNBC, almost every media outlet, Democrat politician and commentator, and abortion radical has repeated the word:
While they label Vance a weirdo for working hard, getting married, and having kids, they do it to distract from their sinister weirdness, which is as undeniable as an elephant biking across the sky.
So, in case you need a refresher, here are insane moves Planned Parenthood, abortion organizations, and abortion supporters are making that are “weird,” and that should be called out by mainstream media (though they won’t).
Giving Condom Coloring Sheets to Children is WEIRD
There must be a few screws loose to create condom-coloring pages to have “some fun, and relieve some stress,” according to Planned Parenthood’s website. Some adults like to color, but it would be unsurprising if simplistic, easy-to-color pages weren’t aimed at children.
Don’t take our word for it. See Planned Parenthood’s lieu of coloring pages with cringy names like Hap”penis,” “Cute”rus, and Pills, Pills, Pills.
Making a Puberty-Blocking Cartoon Show is WEIRD
A couple of short years ago, Planned Parenthood produced a video targeted at children encouraging them to take puberty blockers.
“There are medicines you can take to delay puberty for a while,” Planned Parenthood’s video says in part. “They’re called puberty blockers, and they work like a stop sign by holding the hormones testosterone and estrogen that cause puberty changes…Puberty blockers are safe and can give you more time to figure out what feels right for you.”

Just recently, an independent UK study proved puberty blockers are dangerous to minors and aren’t simply a “pause” button on puberty. As reported by The DailyWire, “Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) will review all transgender medical treatment in the wake of a highly anticipated review that found such treatment is built on ‘weak evidence.’”
Still, Planned Parenthood has no intention of halting its transgender “care” services and remains the second transgender “care” provider in the country. And as a reminder, that “care” includes cross-sex hormones, which some have reported is not medically gatekept and easy to obtain through a 30-minute appointment.
That’s more than a little weird – it’s predatory.
Teaching Kids About Chemical Abortion Pills is WEIRD
On a similar note, a Planned Parenthood-backed website called “AMAZE” has an animated video talking about what a chemical abortion is. Not to mention, the site also provides semi-pornographic content. The video is called “Abortion With Pills: What Is It,” and it soft sells what abortion is.

For example, when the child is expelled from the uterus after an abortion, this video simply calls it “Emptying the contents of the uterus.”
Weird – if abortion is so “family-friendly,” why wouldn’t Planned Parenthood just tell the truth that abortion is killing a baby, a child not that much older than them?
Handing Out Plan B to a Concert Full of Minors is WEIRD
Pop sensation Olivia Rodrigo sparked backlash when she handed out Plan B at her Missouri concert. As the public pressure mounted, Rodrigo quickly retreated and seemingly prohibited the sales.
Variety reported “that after widespread media attention, local abortion funds were told Thursday afternoon that they were no longer allowed to hand out free emergency birth control pills and other reproductive health resources at the concerts.”
But that didn’t stop Jade Hurley, communications manager for the DC Abortion Fund, from complaining about not being able to indoctrinate children.
“The reality is that youth have sex, and youth need access to birth control and emergency contraception,” Hurley told Variety. “What we’re doing is completely legal in all 50 states.”
Not Just Weird, but Tragic
Sadly, all of this weirdness quickly turns into tragic consequences, and all this twisted weirdness enacted on children is what Gov. Walz and other abortion-hungry Democrats support. It has devastating consequences for born and preborn Americans, and Walz’s record is flooded with it.

In 2023, Walz signed the Protect Reproductive Options Act, codifying abortion-on-demand at any gestational age or reason with no clear guidelines for providing life-saving measures for botched abortion survivors and letting babies die.
Essentially, this allows way for infanticide. He had no problem signing a bill protecting abortion seekers from legal or criminal actions from pro-life states. Yet, he avoided pro-life amendments like he was dodging bullets, including, but not limited, to:
- Requiring licensure of abortion facilities
- Prohibiting abortions from being performed in unsanitary conditions
- Parental consent for abortions for girls under 18
- Protections for vulnerable adult women seeking abortions
- Prohibiting abortions based on sex
- Prohibiting abortions based on race
- Prohibiting abortions based on Down syndrome diagnoses
- Prohibiting abortions when a woman is in active labor
Did we forget to mention he supports a Constitutional right to abortion? Read more about it on our sister organization’s site, Students for Life Action (SFLAction)
READ: Meet The Most Radically Pro-Abortion Presidential Ticket in US History
On the issue of transgenderism, abortion radical Walz signed a bill making Minnesota a “sanctuary state” for minors who are misled into taking chemical castrating drugs and proceeding with genital mutilating surgeries. Not to mention putting tampons in men’s bathrooms.
That’s not just weird – that’s evil.
From legislatively supporting abortion up until birth to not allowing parents to rescue their children from irreversible gender ideology, Walz and his Democrat crew should point their fingers back at themselves. But it’s hard to do that when evil is seen as good and good as evil.
Case and point are labeling Vance’s family values as “weird” and labeling transing the kids, aborting them, and exposing them to drag shows as “normal.”
Time to call it was it is: Radical Democrats’ version of “normal” is weird, which is evil. And Tim Walz is certainly no exception.
READ NEXT: Five Things Planned Parenthood’s President Said That Will Make You Roll Your Eyes
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