The sentencing trial of Whitney Durant, who goes by Soren Monroe, took place today, and I’d like to say this is a win for the pro-life movement and scream from the rooftops, “Justice served!”
But I can’t.
The blatant hypocrisy regarding how the Department of Justice treats pro-life “crimes” and crimes from pro-abortion zealots is an unignorable blot in the justice system.
Let me explain.
Durant, a former Bowling Green State University (BGSU) student, vandalized the Bowling Green Pregnancy Center last year. SFLA wrote two articles on this case last year. See the damage for yourself:
READ: Jane’s Revenge Struck Our Pregnancy Resource Center But We’re Not Letting That Stop Us
Durant was arrested by the FBI on July 5, 2023, for violation of the Clinton-era FACE Act (Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances Act) for spray painting the outside of the Bowling Green Pregnancy Center.

“Liars,” “Fund Abortion,” “Abort God,” “Fake Clinic,” and “Jane’s Revenge” were all vicious slogans slapped onto a pregnancy care center. Though she pleaded not guilty a few days later, she had a change of heart at her plea hearing, where she officially pleaded guilty.
At this hearing, the judge listed off overwhelming evidence. When the FBI raided her dorm room in April, they found a blue spray paint can, which matched the blue spray paint in the pregnancy center vandalism. Plus, the FBI discovered clothes and shoes matching the security camera footage at the pregnancy center. On top of that, they checked Durant’s dorm security camera footage and caught her leaving at approx. 3:30 a.m., right around the time of the vandalism.

The assistant U.S. prosecuting attorney told me and the Bowling Green Pregnancy Center’s executive director that Durant will not be getting jail time since this is only her first offense. As HerChoice Bowling Green Pregnancy Center Director reported to SFLA, the judge sentenced Durant to two years’ probation and a $2,000 fine. Our only “comfort” was if Durant ever committed a second offense, it would be a federal felony, placing her in prison.
Past pro-lifers went to prison for much less. The faces of the FACE Act currently are four pro-lifers who “face six months in prison, five years of supervised release, and fines up to $10,000 for singing and praying outside abortion facilities,” according to Fox News.
Other pro-lifers violating the FACE Act were Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, and Herb Geraghty for simply blocking the entrance to an abortion facility called the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C. Despite not damaging or vandalizing property, they face up to 11 years each in federal prison. Even if this isn’t a first offense, the FACE Act is weaponized against pro-life advocates. How can a pro-abortion vandal face no prison time while pro-lifers face years of prison time for peacefully praying and singing?
It doesn’t make sense unless you acknowledge the clear bias that is too obvious to ignore.
READ: Man Convicted of the FACE Act for Sitting in Front of Planned Parenthood Entrance
The Department of Justice would instead sentence to jail those trying to save babies than pro-abortion activists who damage the property of and make threats to pro-life pregnancy centers.
While SFLA should be happy that there’s accountability for pro-abortion vandalism, it’s difficult to appreciate it when Durant gets a slap on the wrist.
READ NEXT: Know Before You Go: Every Pro-Lifer Should Be Aware of This Federal Law (And Its Consequences)
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