We interrupt our usual programming for an important reminder: Contrary to the popular pro-abortion slogan “No Uterus, No Opinion,” men are an essential part of the pro-life movement. The Pro-Life Generation recognizes abortion as the most important human rights issue of our time so that means it is something every human — male or female — should be concerned about and involved in rectifying in some way. Likewise, uplifting fatherhood is an essential part of building a life-affirming culture, and Students for Life of America (SFLA) is proud to call dedicated dads a part of our team.
Get to know some of the fathers on our team who work in various departments below:
Titus Folks, National Activist Coordinator

“I have a toddler and a newborn now. Raising my own kids has just made the pro-life fight more personal and more real.”
Best piece of parenting advice: “Involve your kids in your public life. I love taking my family with me to work, volunteer, and recreational events. Our culture hates kids, but we need to share the joy they bring to our lives.”
Best Dad joke: “I keep all my dad jokes in a dad-a-base.”
Mattison Brooks, Press Strategist and Online Editor
“Though my son hasn’t arrived yet, I already love him more than I could ever fathom. It’s only deepened my faith in God, strengthened my marriage, and grown the love I have for my amazing wife. I am excited to see the kind of man my son will grow up to become, and though the world has gone completely mad with degeneracy, I know that who he becomes is up to God, me and his mother, and the church community, family, and friends we surround him with. It’s also been a huge lesson in releasing control and trusting God’s timing. I have no doubt fatherhood will only make me a better man (and a fiercer advocate for life).”

Best piece of parenting advice: “The one piece of advice I keep hearing from family, friends, and strangers alike is to never stop dating your spouse because that’s what the kids will benefit from most: a stable, happy, loving marriage. And that nothing will grow your relationship with your kids and help them become well-adjusted, God-fearing, and loving like learning that from you and how you treat your wife.”
Best Dad joke: “Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it’s a soap opera.”
Giovanni Mowrey, Strategic Partnerships Advisor

“Within several weeks of beginning my journey with SFLA, my wife, Tarena, and I discovered we would be expecting our first child. From the first moment of holding my son, Giovanni, in my arms, I experienced a profound joy and newfound appreciation for a miracle that is every child. I believe that as men we have the unique responsibility to be defenders of all life and I encourage all men to accept this responsibility as you consider serving in the pro-life movement.”
Best piece of parenting advice: “It’s not about you. My greatest moments as a father have been when I have decided to sacrifice my own desires for the sake of my family.”
Best Dad joke: “What’s the difference between a ‘dad joke’ and a ‘bad joke?’ The direction of the first letter.”
Josh Kilmer, Strategic Partnerships Advisor

“Inspiring the hearts of each member of the family is one way to sum up the father’s role. Fathers must speak about and work for the things that are above. If he does that, his children will come to desire heavenly things, and all temporal desires will fall into place with all due proportion and orientation.”
Best piece of parenting advice: Children yearn for the mystery of God. Find ways to keep the wonder alive.
Best Dad joke: When is primetime tv? Answer: 2pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, and 11pm.
John O’Neill, Diocesan and Church Outreach Coordinator
“Fatherhood has altered my perspective on the pro-life issue and may very well make me more pro-life once Baby O’Neill is born. My wife and I found out we were expecting after spending a weekend tabling for SFLA at a conference. It is surreal to think that at the same time I was handing tiny fetal models to high schoolers that my child was already growing in my wife’s womb next to me.
“The pro-life movement needs more men. Those who claim that pro-lifers are all old white guys have clearly never looked at our SFLA staff page. However, as men, we are called to hold each other to a higher standard, to protect the vulnerable, and to be leaders, mentors, guides, and fathers.”

Best piece of parenting advice: “I’ll get back to you in five years — but right now, be humble enough to accept advice from father figures in your life. My dad raised me (and I feel like he did a pretty great job), so I’d be foolish not to take his advice into consideration when raising my own child.”
Best Dad joke: “I ordered a chicken and an egg online. I’ll let you know.”
Who do you think had the best dad joke? Vote on our social media pages (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram) @studentsforlife and let us know!
Are you a male pro-life student who would like to be more involved? Click HERE to learn about SFLA’s Invictus Men’s Fellowship for male pro-life leaders in college or graduate school who want to grow into their niche in the pro-life movement.
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