SFLAction & SFLA Top 10 Moments from 2022!

Caroline Wharton - 30 Dec 2022

The New Year is almost upon us, and as we count down the days until 2023, we’re also looking back on this year with a smile as 2022 was truly a historic year for Students for Life Action (SFLAction), Students for Life of America (SFLA), and the pro-life movement. We heartily believe in the old adage of ‘counting your blessings’ and remain so grateful for all the opportunities made possible by enthusiastic students, generous donors, and life-affirming legislators. It would be difficult to catalogue every success and every step in the right direction so here are our top ten moments from 2022:  

1. World’s Largest Pro-Life Summit  

In January 2022, we held our largest Pro-Life Summit and final gathering under Roe v. Wade! Nearly 2,000 students, Millennials & Gen Z, along with national leaders of the pro-life movement came together for a strategy and training conference titled All In For Life. Former Vice President Mike Pence spoke before an energetic crowd who was thrilled to see the Supreme Court take up the Dobbs v. Jackson case. Kristan Hawkins President of SFLAction/SFLA, Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire, Dr. Alveda King, OANN’s Liz Wheeler, Heritage Foundation’s president Dr. Kevin Roberts, Cissie Graham Lynch of the Billy Graham Association and Samaritan’s Purse, ADF’s Tyson Langhofer, Dr. Brent Boles and many others addressed the Pro-Life Generation.  


2. Standing With You’s “No Woman Stands Alone” Relaunch & Standing with her Sunday National Simulcast  

This February, SFLA’s Standing With You resource for expecting families received a relaunch as announced by Kristan Hawkins at a press conference. The site received more resources, including a “You Are Not Alone” tab that provides women with free support and information on their rights. In August, SFLA also hosted a national simulcast called “Standing with Her Sunday” to reach churches, small groups, and individuals across the nation with pro-life speakers who emphasized the active role the Church must take in the pro-life movement to support women in unplanned pregnancies.   

3. The “No Woman Stands Alone” Spring Campus Tour  

SFLA launched our No Woman Stands Alone Spring Campus Tour this past February with the goal of showing how destructive and radical Roe v. Wade decision was, as well as comparing the abortion industry’s goals and the pro-life movement’s plan for a Post-Roe America. This tour made 179 stops, visited 37 states, had 5,595 conversations take place, activated 2,167 pro-lifers, changed 508 minds, and collected nearly 1,300 contacts!  

Best moments for pro-life movement

4. Lobbying with SFLAction in Five Key States  

SFLAction held lobby days at Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Oklahoma, and West Virginia State Houses while also lobbying Capitol Hill throughout the year. Since SFLAction’s launch in 2019, we have mobilized to help successfully pass more than 30 pieces of pro-life legislation. Our lobby days supported many of SFLAction’s inspired bills including our Life at Conception Act, Chemical Abortion Ban, and Heartbeat Protection Bills as we fight for pro-life legislation on the state and federal level.

5. Kristan Hawkins’ “Make Abortion Illegal Again” Campus Tour  

Beginning in October, Hawkins set out on an 8-stop speaking tour titled ‘Make Abortion Illegal Again’ where she engaged with college students on the central question of whether ending innocent preborn life should be legal or should be rejected as an inhumane act.   

(CLICK HERE to check out winning stories from this tour!)

Best moments for pro-life movement

6. Present at SCOTUS Every Potential Decision Day Until Roe was Reversed!  

SFLAction/SFLA leaders were present and in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on EVERY possible decision day leading up to the reversal of Roe! Dedicated student leaders and staff traveled into D.C. almost weekly – rain or shine – to ensure if the Dobbs v. Jackson case was ruled on, we would be first on the frontline of history. Sure enough, on June 24, 2022, a massive group of SFLAction/SFLA leaders alongside Kristan Hawkins and other pro-life groups were there to announce the historic moment of history.

7. $100 Million Dollars in Earned Media 

Not only was SFLAction/SFLA front and center of almost every major newspaper the day following the reversal of Roe v. Wade, but the media continued to report on our charismatic student leaders and staff garnering more than $100 million in earned media. This value represents the monetary value behind the number of interviews SFLA staff and affiliates did throughout the year which only increased after Roe was reversed. Not only is it difficult for press to understand why students are unapologetically pro-life from campus to Capitol Hill, but SFLAction/SFLA became a resource for reporters covering the issue that called us when they had questions about legislation, exceptions, post-Roe plans, and more!

8. The “Abortion Is Not Right” Fall Campus Tour  

The “Abortion Is Not Right” fall campus tour was SFLA’s first tour since the historic reversal of Roe v. Wade which drew in huge crowds on college campuses. This professional, large-scale display traveled to hundreds of college campuses in Fall 2022 to explore an important topic with students and staff – abortion was never a right. And it is wrong. Many pro-lifers faced pushback from pro-abortion students on campus during this tour; read more about those instances HERE.

9. SFLAction’s Innovative & Gritty Midterms Activism  

This election cycle, SFLAction closely monitored the outcome of 230 State House races and 66 State Senate seats, prioritizing races in locations where a few votes either way will be key in passing pro-life legislation in Spring 2023. Identifying key states to deploy local student canvassers and launch digital campaigns in, SFLAction fully leveraged its fierce influence and outreach to see more Pro-Life Champions find a seat in their State Legislature. SFLAction exposed pro-abortion radicals by personally texting nearly 3,110,252 youth voters, making 2,051,680 phone calls, launching digital ads that received over 8,988,106 views, and even debated candidates face-to-face.

Best moments for pro-life movement

10. A New FDA Battleground Drawn for Chemical Abortion Pills 

SFLAction/SFLA recently announced a nationwide What’s in the Water?” project, where a series of Citizens’ Petitions demanding that the FDA act on what we know about the deadly impacts of Chemical Abortion Pills were filed. The Pro-Life Generation is taking on the biggest method of abortion, Chemical Abortion, as well as addressing the Biden Administration’s negligence in allowing No-Health-and-Safety-Screening/Online Distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills without environmental precautions. Keep up with this issue HERE

READ NEXT: U.K. Pro-Lifer Arrested on Suspicion of Praying; Are the Faithful in the U.S. Next? 

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