Former Vice President Mike Pence tells the cheering Pro-Life Generation, “We are asking the (Supreme) Court in no uncertain terms to make history … We are asking the court to overturn Roe. v. Wade.”
Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins said that the United States is in a new “fight for freedom,” noting, “I believe it was no mistake as to why our founding fathers listed LIFE as the very first of those God-given rights in the Declaration of Independence…for, without life, none of our other rights matter.”
WASHINGTON D.C. (01-22-2022) — Following what may be the last pro-life march mourning Roe v. Wade as it has been, almost 2,000 students, Millennials & Gen Z, along with national leaders of the Pro-Life movement came together for a strategy and training conference – the National Pro-Life Summit titled All In For Life — to prepare for a post-Roe America. The world’s largest pro-life conference was held on the actual 49th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, where former Vice President Mike Pence spoke before a cheering crowd on this historic moment as the validity of Roe v. Wade is being debated in the Dobbs v. Jackson case now before the Supreme Court.
MEDIA NOTE: For a time-lapse video of the pro-life march mourning the anniversary of Roe, click here. The video may be used or imbedded with a credit to Students for Life of America, which estimated the crowd size at roughly 150,000.
Pence celebrated the role of the Trump-Pence Administration that got more than 300 new judges on courts across the country including three, sitting Supreme Court Justices, now engaged in the debate that could lead to the end of Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in the U.S. through all 9 months of pregnancy, for any reason at all, and sometimes with taxpayer funding.
In her opening address to the conference, Hawkins noted the importance of this moment as preborn life may soon be protected in law. She said: “Abortion advocates want to claim that they are defending freedom of choice—what we call violence, they call a ‘woman’s right to choose.’ But no one has a right to choose death for another innocent human being. The Founders understood that freedom can only survive within the constraints of justice. If a king, slave holder, or even an abortion facility …. can take away a person’s life at will, then no one’s rights are truly secure.” To read her entire remarks, click here.
Other key speakers included: Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire, Dr. Alveda King, OANN’s Liz Wheeler, Heritage Foundation’s new president Dr. Kevin Roberts, Cissie Graham Lynch of the Billy Graham Association and Samaritan’s Purse, ADF’s Tyson Langhofer, Dr. Brent Boles and many others. The Speaker list can be accessed here. For more on their remarks, follow Students for Life on social media and check out Summit videos at Facebook and social media.
Millennials and Gen Z now make up almost 1/3 of the electorate, an emerging powerhouse as politicians look toward mid-term elections later this year.
Students for Life’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement released a poll this week on the abortion views of generations presumed to be all in for abortion, but who have nuanced views. Writing in RealClearPolitics on the findings, Hawkins observed: “Far from being pro-abortion/straight-ticket voters without nuance, Millennials and Gen Zers share concerns about the extremes of abortion. They also desire to have a voice and a vote on life, and thoroughly reject the reckless and deadly policy pursued by the Biden administration and its corporate abortion allies on chemical abortion pills … An extraordinary 8 in 10 Millennials and Gen Zers want to vote on abortion policy, up from 66% in 2021, while 3 out of 4 want limits on abortion and 4 in 10 want either no abortion or abortion only for the traditional exceptions – in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is in danger … The poll also shows that the real losers in the abortion policy debate of our day are those pushing no-test, online sale of chemical pills, which can lead to injury, infertility and even death for the women taking them, as well as the obvious termination of the baby’s life.”
For more on those results, click here.
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Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA),a 501c3, make up the nation’s largest, pro-life, youth organization as well as operating a political and policy operation engaging people of all ages. Together they work to end abortion, the human rights issue of our day, and provide political, legal, and community support for women and their children, born and preborn. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA has more than 1,250groups on middle, high school, college, university, medical and law school campuses in all 50 states. SFLA creates strategy, policy and programming that connects those most targeted for abortion with people ready to help and builds a framework for political engagement on their behalf. SFLA/SFLAction has more conversations with those most targeted by the abortion industry every day, week, and year than any other pro-life outreach in the world. Every week, Students for Life entities reach more than 2 million people across social media platforms to have nearly 200,000 digital conversations. Under the leadership of SFLA/SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins, who was recruited to build the organization, SFLA has grown over the last 15 years into a $15 million organization preparing for a Post-Roe America.
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