Just recently, Planned Parenthood released their latest annual report. The Abortion Goliath self-reported committing 354,871 abortions last year – which is 9,199 more babies they killed than previous year. Meanwhile, their adoption referrals plummeted by over 37% to just 2,667. That means for every one adoption referral, Planned Parenthood commits 133 abortions.
And that’s only counting the numbers on the report they published. We don’t really trust folks who prey on young women and end the lives of innocent preborn babies to give us the truth.
Given this most up-to-date information, Planned Parenthood’s efforts to buddy up to Christian colleges and universities is especially problematic. It should be a given that Christian schools keep away from America’s biggest abortion vendor. But it’s not the case.
At least 23 Christian colleges have developed friendly relationships with Planned Parenthood, with some even endorsing them as “a trusted resource.” But we know the truth. Planned Parenthood’s goal is to ensure Christian, college-age young adults do not bat an eyelash at (or worse, encourage) abortions.
Christian Colleges with Planned Parenthood Ties
- American University (D.C.), Methodist
- Augsburg University (MN), Lutheran
- Augustana College (IL), Lutheran
- California Lutheran University (CA), Lutheran
- Drury University (MO), United Church of Christ
- Eckerd College (FL), Presbyterian Church (USA)
- Emory University (GA), Methodist Episcopal
- Fordham University (NY), Catholic
- Luther College (IA), Lutheran
- Macalester College (MN), Presbyterian Church (USA)
- McKendree University (IL), United Methodist
- New Brunswick Theological Seminary (NJ)
- Ohio Wesleyan (OH), United Methodist
- Oklahoma City University (OK), United Methodist
- Paine College (GA), Methodist
- Roanoke College (VA), Lutheran
- Saint Joseph’s University (PA), Catholic
- Saint Norbert College (WI), Catholic
- Southwestern University (TX), United Methodist
- Trinity Washington University (D.C.), Catholic
- University of Indianapolis (IN), United Methodist
- University of Lynchburg (VA), Disciples of Christ
- West Virginia Wesleyan (WV), United Methodist
That’s why Students for Life has made a concerted effort to assess America’s Christian schools for ties to Planned Parenthood and, for those that do, urge them to kick the abortion giant to the curb. Some schools, upon being made aware of Planned Parenthood’s presence via a formal letter from us, removed them promptly. Our hope is that the schools that remain on our list will learn from this example and cut ties with the nation’s biggest seller of abortions… which clearly has no place within a Christian institution.
CLICK HERE to see our map of Christian schools that support abortion.
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