Category: Planned Parenthood Education
5 Reasons We Don’t Need Planned Parenthood
Brenna Lewis | September 27, 2021
Since its inception, Planned Parenthood has been the queen bee of the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion vendor, committing over one in every three abortions done in the country. Throughout the United States, women are being hurt every single day due to Planned Parenthood’s agenda. Their main goal is to end lives and get paid.
Pro-Life Students Change 17 People’s Minds about Abortion in Just Two Hours
Brenna Lewis | June 25, 2021
This weekend marks SFLA’s first annual National Leadership Collective, a massive gathering of 200 of the nation’s top pro-life student leaders. These rockstar students will undergo intensive training, formation, and activism opportunities that will prepare them to return to their campuses and make even bigger impacts for Life. On day one of the Leadership Collective, 17 students and 4
“Campaign for Abortion Free Cities” Successes from March!
Autumn Doersching | April 9, 2021
Students for Life of America is assembling pro-life activists of all ages to engage in the multi-faceted Campaign for Abortion Free Cities in 20 select cities across the nation. In each city, our goal is to directly reduce the abortion rate by increasing awareness of non-violent abortion alternatives, decreasing support for the predatory abortion industry, and changing hearts and minds about abortion. A big part of our plan to unify pro-life advocates in these
Pro-Life Students Confront “Sex Week” at University of Tennessee
Brenna Lewis | March 31, 2021
Every year, college campuses across the country host something called “Sex Week.” The events included vary from campus to campus, but commonly include things like condom fashion shows, drag shows, panels on phone sex and prostitution, pro-porn and BDSM presentations, and of course, plenty of faulty lessons about abortion and contraception. For example, see Ohio State’s 2021 Sex Week
The Pro-Life Response to: “But Planned Parenthood Helped Me!”
Brenna Lewis | September 28, 2020
Especially now as election tensions heat up, you’ve probably seen a social media post on your own feed very similar to this one: A post you see like this may lack the bad interaction with pro-lifers, but still share a similar story: “I support Planned Parenthood because I was helped by them for non-abortion services during a time of
Margaret Sanger is Being Whitewashed in High School History Books
Jessica Nardi | September 8, 2020
You’d think the foundations of the birth control movement would be explored in history classes when studying its impact on the sexual revolution. At a surface level, teachers may chalk it up to sexual decadence–they might even celebrate it as “sexual liberation”–but the history of the organized eugenics movement driving the nation’s largest abortion machine remains buried. A recent
California Schools Give Planned Parenthood Unfettered Access To 10-Year-Olds
Brenna Lewis | May 19, 2020
Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion vendor, which has a record of covering up the sexual abuse of minors, has been handed unfettered access to young, minor, children in order to push pornographic sex ed. CBN News recently broke a story about Planned Parenthood and the California Parent Teacher Association working together to ensure Planned Parenthood can pollute the minds
Pro-Life Student Leader Explains Why We Must Reject Planned Parenthood’s Sex Ed Curriculum
Brenna Lewis | April 2, 2020
The following is written by Miles Wiley, a Students for Life leader in Washington State. My name is Miles Wiley, I am a college student at Centralia College and President of the Students for Life Club on my campus. I was able to be at the hearing at the Washington State Capitol. I am adamantly against ESSB 5395 for many
Catholic College Removes Planned Parenthood Information After Students for Life Intervenes
Brenna Lewis | March 30, 2020
“We are glad that the College of St. Scholastica recognized the error of their ways and removed links to Planned Parenthood from the university website. All Catholic universities should stand for the sanctity of human life,” noted Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life Action. DULUTH, MN and FREDERICKSBURG, VA (3-30-2020)– Reacting to news that the College of St. Scholastica, a Catholic university in Minnesota, removed links to Planned
Planned Parenthood Announces $45 Million ‘Investment’ To Elect Pro-Abortion Candidates
Brenna Lewis | January 16, 2020
As pro-life President Donald Trump continues to rack up political victories that aid the pro-life movement, the abortion industry is preparing to elect more candidates who support unlimited abortions and who support forcing every taxpayer to fund abortions. NBC News reports, “Planned Parenthood will spend $45 million to support candidates in favor of abortion rights, the largest electoral program of