Alumni Events
The Students for Life Alumni Association is excited to host socials and other events to help alumni network and connect with other prolife professionals.
Make sure you're on our Alumni Email List so you never miss an event near you.
Join us for our next Alumni event for fun, fellowship, the latest updates on the pro-life movement, and opportunities to take action in your community.
Our Next Alumni Event...
National Celebrate Life Day
Join the pro-life movement as we come together to celebrate the anniversary of the Dobbs decision that reversed the federal block on abolishing abortion by putting Roe on the ash heap of history! This is our opportunity to honor the original Pro-Life Generation, the sacrifices and innovations made over the first 49 years of the pro-life movement, and laying out a vision of where we go next.
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2023
Location: The steps of the Lincoln Memorial (Washington, D.C.)
Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm