Jordan Estabrook - 04 Feb 2025

With just over a week into his second term, President Donald Trump gave Planned Parenthood and the transgender mutilation industry a run for their money. 

In a stunning and righteous executive order, Trump signed “to end gender-affirming medical treatments for children and teenagers under the age of 19,” according to NPR.  

Through this order, Trump has protected the health of American youth by prohibiting the violent sterilization and life-altering mutilation of children under the age of 19.  

The media lies, saying that “gender-affirming medical treatments” are healthcare, but in fact, it is the sterilization and mutilation of children through chemical and surgical castration. Trump’s executive order includes both forms of mutilation, whether it be through cross-sex hormones or removing healthy body parts.  

While Planned Parenthood is known for its abortion atrocities across the United States, killing thousands of preborn children per year, the abortion giant also has a little “side hustle:” prescribing chemically castrating drugs to minors and adults alike, making them the second largest cross-sex hormone provider in America.  

Reportedly, Planned Parenthood gives out chemical castration drugs but does not perform transgender surgeries. That doesn’t mean, however, that these sterilizing drugs do a world of damage and are often irreversible.  

READ: Say It Louder, American Society of Plastic Surgeons: Gender “Care” is Mutilating Children 

As the gender transition trend has been rippling across America, this social movement has begun taking heat from medical professionals.  

The American College of Pediatricians came out against the transgender machine, calling out the predictable and horrific mental and physical side effects. The organization definitively stated

“Temporary use of puberty blocker Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility.  

In addition to the harm from Lupron, cross-sex hormones put youth at an increased risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, blood clots, and cancers across their lifespan. Add to this the fact that physically healthy transgender-believing girls are being given double mastectomies at 13 and hysterectomies at 16. At the same time, their male counterparts are referred for surgical castration and penectomies at 16 and 17, respectively, and it becomes clear that affirming transition in children is about mutilating and sterilizing emotionally troubled youth.” (emphasis added)  

If that’s not bad enough, last year, a UK independent study found virtually no evidence that these drugs help young people with the discomfort they feel with their bodies. The study revealed that “gender identity treatment” through surgery and puberty blockers is “shaky” and for doctors to be “extremely cautious” in prescribing these horrible solutions.   

This study made Great Britain take a huge step back on what they, along with other Western countries, had been told about trans-identifying children, as reported by the DailyWire:   

“Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) will review all transgender medical treatment in the wake of a highly anticipated review that found such treatment is built on ‘weak evidence.’”  

The medical community in the UK and researchers in the U.S. report that many transitioners are not happy with their gender transition surgeries. According to the Family Research Council’s Washington Watch, transition regret is rising as many de-transitioners have come out of the closet to confess they regret their life-altering surgeries. 

The Washington Times has reported that as regret from de-transitioners rises, so do their lawsuits. Not only are people recognizing the irreparable harm in taking the drugs, but countries like the UK banned puberty blockers. 

The risk of harm to children has not stopped Planned Parenthood. After all, abortion is part of their business model. The abortion giant says it themselves:  

“Planned Parenthood believes you deserve high-quality, compassionate health care — no matter your gender identity. Most of our health centers provide hormone therapy and other gender-affirming services for transgender and nonbinary patients.” 

It’s not out of character for Planned Parenthood to hide behind the mask of care and compassion. But in the past year, the tide has quickly turned against the transgender industry, emboldening Trump to do the right thing to protect children.  

It’s time to enter an era in America where children inside and outside of the womb are protected from dangerous drugs, whether it be cross-sex hormones or Chemical Abortion Pills, and mutilating procedures, such as removing healthy body parts or surgical abortion.  

Time will tell if this will be one of the dominos causing the fall of Planned Parenthood, as the defunding and debarring of Planned Parenthood will be next.  

READ NEXT: Hey, Planned Parenthood, Time to Leave the Child Butchering Business. My Experience Rallying Against Gender Ideology at the U.S. Supreme Court

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