Meet Tiffany Blanco, One of National Leaders Collective’s January Leaders of the Month 

Tiffany Blanco - 15 Jan 2025

Tiffany Blanco, one of the National Leaders Collective’s leaders of the month, is a Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Christian Leadership Fellow attending Kalida High School in Washington. Learn more about Blanco’s activism below. 

Growing up, I knew every life was from God. As I grew up, though, the vision got hazy, especially in high school. God called me to ask myself the tough questions as I entered college. One day, after a rosary walk outside a Planned Parenthood, a woman working for SFLA called me, and I knew it wasn’t a coincidence. So, I was open to learning more about the pro-life stance and creating an SFLA group at Seattle Pacific University (SPU). One truth unveiled after another, whether through faith or reason and now I’m all in for the pro-life movement! Every human being is uniquely and wonderfully made. The very idea of a human holds infinite value. We should uphold that value by supporting families and communities to create an environment where a flourishing life is a part of the culture.  

In the past, I’ve worked with school and church leadership, which has influenced how I approach this role in the NLC. However, I have never been called to a higher mission like this before and stepping to the front lines of a critical and challenging task. I’ve grown in my capacity to communicate, be patient, flexible, enduring, learn, and ultimately be open and loving. Throughout the Christian Leaders Fellowship, I learned how to connect my faith and the pro-life mission in my community and to be responsive and aware of the movement of the Holy Spirit in the group. I wouldn’t be here without my Regional Coordinator, Sophia, who believed in me. Now, I see our group almost as a growing ministry. I am so thankful for it all! I would not be the Christian I am without the experience of defending and protecting the truth. 

In 2024, we helped a local women’s clinic by making over 50 fundraising bags. We recruited new group members for the first time in three years and have more than 25 people interested in the group! We screened the Unplanned movie for all students on campus to help share a story on how abortion negatively affected Abby Johnson’s life and ultimately led her to live her life with great purpose and courage defending the preborn.  

I would love to be a part of such a vast community that cares about bringing a culture of life into our world. I know that my journey will come to an end, God willing; the exciting day comes when abortion is unthinkable, and we have resources, homes, communities, schools, and jobs that support families to bring their children and families in loving, safe, and healthy homes.  

READ NEXT: Meet Grace Rall, One of National Leaders Collective’s January Leaders of the Month

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