Mel Gibson Makes a Good Point on Joe Rogan’s Podcast: Preborn Children Act as “Human Sacrifice”

Jordan Estabrook - 13 Jan 2025

As the fires in California consumed Mel Gibson’s house and the homes of others, proclaimed Catholic Mel Gibson talked with Joe Rogan and entered philosophical territory. For almost three hours, they discussed the mismanagement of California neglecting the benefit of people for tiny fish, how choosing woke criteria over competence makes bad leaders, an in-depth discussion about the return of Passion of the Christ, and most interestingly, the longstanding nature of child sacrifice and how it lives today through abortion.  

It may have been a few minutes in an almost three-hour conversation, but Gibson didn’t need many words to make his point.  

As Rogan and Gibson discussed society’s cultural breakdown, Gibson readily pointed out how Mayan culture, which he explored in his 2006 Apocalypto, isn’t far from Western civilization’s values.  

“I think basically what I was doing was trying to do was talk about our time now and the civilization that we live in, and how close are we to collapse, and what are the things that lead to collapse?” Gibson told Rogan. “You know, it’s environmental stuff, it’s human sacrifice. I mean, we do do that. We do.” 

It became clear that the “human sacrifice” Gibson referred to was abortion, including sacrificing humans outside the womb for lousy policy and leadership. Despite some perceived mild pushback from Rogan, who’s more pro-choice, Gibson leaned into the point. 

“It’s a mess. The human sacrifice aspect is alive and well in our society.”  

Indeed, it’s as alive and well as in Mayan society. It’s as Ecclesiastes 1:9 aptly states: 

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” 

Abortion is one of the most prevalent forms of human sacrifice in American society, taking roughly 63 million preborn lives since Roe v. Wade came into law. Though thankfully it’s been reversed, Gibson’s comments alluded to a more complex issue. Just because a law is gone doesn’t mean that the mindset is.  

Sadly, there are still many men and women in America who believe that they’re entitled to control the life or death of children in the womb, sacrificed at the whims of fear, selfishness, and success. 

Gibson is right—it’s truly a mess. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a complete lost cause. According to our more recent YouGov poll, more than nine in 10 millennials and Gen Z voters rejected the Biden-Harris Administration’s Federal Drug Administration (FDA) policy. This FDA policy allows the online distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills, eliminating health and safety standards protecting women’s lives and fertility. In the recent election, 42% of young people voted against radical abortion policy. The culture is shifting.

Even Rogan’s comments, meant to take a more nuanced approach to his statement, indicate that government agencies and organizations are willing to fuel the ideology of self-first by putting themselves in the pockets of the abortion industry.  

“We just dress it (human sacrifice) up,” replied Rogan. “When you find out medications are killing people, and they keep prescribing them, and they do it for money. That’s kind of sacrifice.” 

In a sense, Rogan’s also on the right track. Chemical Abortion Pills are labeled as “medication abortion,” but the results are more disastrous than any real “medication” should be. Chemical Abortion Pills cause unimaginable pain to women in terms of blood clots, perfuse bleeding, fever, and chills. Not to mention emotional distress through depression, PTSD, anxiety, regret, and suicidal ideation. Let’s not forget the most tragic part of it all: a child is mercilessly starved in the womb and expelled into a watery grave. 

READ: 10 Reasons to Add Chemical Abortion Pills to Your HATE List 

Meanwhile, the PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals,” are flushed into our waterways, tainting our water supply with dangerous Red Medical Waste and harming the environment. All this pads the pockets of the abortion industry, including the abortion giant Planned Parenthood.  

Who knows whether or not Rogan will join the pro-life movement to stand against the sacrifice of preborn children and the sacrifice of medical and environmental integrity that goes along with it?

But, Students for Life of America (SFLA) hopes Mel Gibson will proclaim the truth with powerful statements like the ones he made with Rogan.  

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