Cowgirl Beyonce Carter and Kamala Harris Ride to Texas in the Name of Abortion

Jordan Estabrook - 25 Oct 2024

Beyonce may be placing a bad bet on failing candidate Kamala Harris, who is reported to be in the Lone Star state for Harris’ campaign rally. Despite the open borders and failed foreign policy moves in part due to Harris, abortion is still what Harris is hanging her campaign cowboy hat on.  

POLITICO reports on the abortion-targeted Houston trip, writing:  

“At her rally, Harris is expected to zero in on abortion rights by highlighting the impact that Trump’s appointment of three conservative Supreme Court justices key to overturning Roe v. Wade…including in deeply red states like Texas. The state, which Donald Trump is almost certain to win, is not part of her campaign’s path to 270 electoral votes. But it is a place where the effects from that ruling have resonated deeply — and are also deeply unpopular.” 

The “unpopularity” POLITIC may be referring to when Kate Cox was lauded as a hero by President Joe Biden during the State of the Union for suing Texas for not allowing her to abort her child, who was diagnosed with Trisomy 18. Despite her losing the lawsuit and getting her abortion somewhere else, Cox’s story continues to circulate nationwide, as do the lies about abortion being the only option for a child with a fetal diagnosis.  

Regardless of whether Beyonce sings, “To the left to the left, everyone cast your votes to the left,” here’s a quick breakdown of life-affirming and dignifying options that are better than the morally reprehensible choice of abortion. 

There is always a legal exception to protect the life of the mother. All 50 states allow it. However, the media and the political left purposeful confuse women about D&C procedures. D&Cs take place after a miscarriage, removing an ectopic pregnancy, or treating a molar pregnancy. These are NOT abortions, but rather specific medical procedures that differ vastly from abortion, which is the purposeful and intentional death of a preborn child.  

Children with special needs are a GIFT, not trash to be thrown away like a defective toy. Students for Life of America (SFLA) had a “We Chose Life” webcast in March 2024 to counteract the pro-abortion Kate Cox narrative, interviewing two moms with Trisomy 18 children who talk about joy through the pain. Despite loss and grief, they are so thankful to have chosen life instead of abortion. ALMOST ABORTED was a summer 2024 campaign telling the stories not just the stories of those almost aborted or pressured to abort but how valuable their lives are and how every preborn life, regardless of whether they’re “wanted,” should be valuable, too.  

The New York Times reported that early prenatal tests have an 85% chance of giving a faulty diagnosis. No one should abort their child based on their genetic makeup, but basing it on a deeply flawed test is even worse.  

If a child has a potentially fatal diagnosis, instead of choosing abortion, which would starve or dismember the child, the compassionate option is perinatal hospice care. Former SFLA Virginias Regional Coordinator Gavin Oxley wrote the following: 

“Approximately 0.2 – 0.3% of newborn babies face life-ending conditions like the Dorbert baby, but for situations such as these, perinatal palliative care programs allow parents to meet their child and to fully grieve their loss. This care is fully encompassing, providing a compassionate explanation of the diagnosis.” 

Before Beyonce and Harris take the stage, they should consider these points before cheering on death while singing “Freedom.” 

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