As Students for Life of America (SFLA) started its Abortion Extremism Mobile Billboard Tour across the country, SFLA staff already faced their first vandals of the season – and it’s only been three days.

SFLA staff visited North Carolina State University for the Abortion Extremism Mobile Billboard Tour with our billboard truck, which is heading to Florida, Missouri, Nebraska, Arizona, and Colorado in September. Due to the high stakes of the 2024 election for both women and preborn children, pro-life losses would create “mini-Roes” in states. As a result, abortion laws even more radical than Roe v. Wade would be enshrined. With this in mind and the desire to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable, we decided to take even more action and send out our billboard truck across the country to spread the message: abortion extremism exists, and voters have a say in stopping it.
So, we started in Raleigh, North Carolina. With five students from their campus SFLA group to help, we set up the Cemetry of the Innocents with 1,076 pink crosses on the ground to represent the number of preborn lives lost to Planned Parenthood each day.

Sadly, while they were tabling, not one but two vandalizations were caught on camera in a short period, plus other times when signs were “mysteriously” knocked down.
First, there was the sign thief. After SFLA chased him to an elevator, he finally gave it back, saying, “The design was dope as fu**”

While we’d prefer our property not to get stolen, we’ll take the compliment.
Another student threw one of the signs and flipped off the Cemetry of the Innocents.

All in all, those vandalisms didn’t stop SFLA from reaching people for the pro-life movement. SFLA had over 45 conversations, changed six minds, added 10 new members to their group, and screened Unplanned for students.
“Today was an amazing opportunity to witness to the North Carolina State University campus,” said Carolinas Regional Coordinator Alicia Foreman. “Even with a few students removing our signs, we were able to talk to so many that did not know anything outside of what the media tells them about Planned Parenthood.”
The billboard truck was also a success. It drove around on campus, went to a local abortion facility, and drove to the state capital, spreading the message of how many lives Planned Parenthood takes and real and raw images of an aborted, deceased child. Tabling and putting out the cemetery are important, but we were able to maximize our reach and witness to more people by adding the billboard truck.

The next day, the billboard truck and SFLA staff went to UNC Charlotte’s campus in Charlotte, North Carolina, and set up another Cemetry of the Innocents. Over 30 conversations took place, and yes, another case of stolen property. We have pictures and videos to prove it. When confronted and recorded by SFLA staff, the thief finally relented and threw the stolen crosses on the ground.

“With our Cemetry of the Innocents and billboard truck sharing the pro-life message, we were able to reach hundreds of UNC Charlotte students,” said Mid-Atlantic Field Team Manager Lori Cascio. “There is no doubt we started the conversation about Planned Parenthood and abortion today on campus.”

As the billboard truck arrives in Florida, we hope more students, college staff, and community members are aware of the abortion extremism that lurks underneath critical states like Arizona, Florida, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, and South Dakota, where late-term abortion ballot initiatives are putting more innocent lives as risk and sending them to the death chambers of Planned Parenthood or other abortion vendors.
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