When I became a part of the pro-life movement, I was motivated by my personal and deep-rooted conviction in the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death. While my faith certainly informs this belief, science supports this notion resolutely, despite abortion activists claiming to the contrary.

Campus Impact Oppurtunites for Life
Since my first year at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), I’ve been involved in conservative activism, including work in the pro-life movement. As co-founder of a conservative group on campus, I quickly made connections in the movement and soon was regularly tabling on pro-life themes, joined by people involved with Students for Life of America (SFLA). After all, human life is at stake, and college students are already learning – they might as well and should be educated on the harms of abortion.

I’ll never forget organizing a pro-life demonstration when Vice President Kamala Harris came to meet with the Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson and a local elected official for a round-table discussion on protecting abortion “rights.” Since that visit, CCSU pro-life advocates mobilized to successfully establish a university-recognized Students for Life group on our campus. I even had the privilege of being asked to speak at the Connecticut March for Life in 2023.
National Leaders Collective Opportunities That Lead to Change
The establishment of our SFLA group marked the completion of the project I set out to do as part of the William Wilberforce fellowship In the summer of 2023, I attended the National Leaders Collective Kickoff Weekend to learn how to elevate my activism to the sanctity of human life. It was a truly unforgettable experience meeting student leaders from across the nation who shared my passion for the cause.
Click HERE to learn about SFLA’s Leadership Programs
We spent a week in activism, prayer, door knocking and rallying outside of our nation’s capital, and left reinvigorated to serve the preborn and their mothers. Back home, I spent a busy couple of months preparing to present our club to the university for their approval and the verdict finally came in February 2024: the university approved our group!
Further Mobilizing On Campus
On a relatively small campus in the heart of the blue state of Connecticut, I considered this a significant victory. With an established presence on our university campus, we could more easily encourage students to stand up for their beliefs despite the fear of backlash. Furthermore, we could highlight the work being done by local Pregnancy Care Centers to provide love, support, and compassion to mothers who find themselves battling the fears associated with unexpected pregnancies.
Opportunities to Learn From Each Other
Meeting regularly with the other fellows to share status updates on our projects as well as any roadblocks we’ve had to overcome has been a very eye-opening experience. Once I complete my fellowship with Students for Life, I hope to stay involved locally, organizing local door knocking campaigns, continuing and growing my campus activism, and supporting the pregnancy resource centers in my area.

What I appreciated most was seeing the boldness and courage of the other fellows who poured their hearts and souls into their projects even before they could see the end in sight. It takes tremendous trust in God to be as lovingly flexible as some of the fellows are in the process of completing their projects and I aspire to emulate that.
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