The abortion lobby can’t stand Abortion Pill Reversal (APR), and there is consequently a lot of misinformation about this treatment in the mainstream media. Are you tired of these falsehoods and looking for the facts? Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins recently sat down with one of the pioneers of APR, Dr. George Delgado, on her Explicitly Pro-Life podcast to debunk myths and explain how APR works. Check out some of their best answers on most asked APR questions below:

What does Abortion Pill Reversal look like?
To understand Abortion Pill Reversal, you need to understand how the Chemical Abortion Pill regimen that is currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration works. Hawkins explains in this clip that it is a two-drug process. The first drug women take is called mifepristone; this drug blocks progesterone which kills the preborn baby. The drug taken second is called misoprostol; this induces contractions to flush the dead child out of the mother.

Dr. Delgado explained, “There is a window of opportunity between the two drugs. We can reverse mifepristone; we don’t have a way at this point to reverse misoprostol. The window of opportunity is before she’s taken the second drug, and that’s when many women have second thoughts and misgivings almost right away. These days, women get started on progesterone [APR] within 24 hours of taking mifepristone.”
Click HERE to listen to this chapter of the podcast episode.
How can Abortion Pill Reversal act as an antidote to mifepristone?
Abortion Pill Reversal is simply giving mothers who have taken mifepristone a dose of the hormone called progesterone, which our bodies make naturally to sustain life. It is the same hormone that is given to pregnant women in pregnancies who may be experiencing a miscarriage and wish to save their child.

To understand how progesterone is important during pregnancy, Dr. Delgado explained, “Progesterone is essential for pregnancy. There are rabbit models where they took out the ovaries of rabbits while they were pregnant, and all of them had miscarriages. We know that women who have low progesterone levels commonly miscarry…the name itself (progesterone) means pro-gestation for the pregnancy. This is really a magnificent hormone that any woman who is ovulating will produce progesterone in large amounts in the second part of her cycle.
“Progesterone does some very important things…the second thing it does is it causes the development of and sustains the maternal part of the placenta. Now, most of the placenta comes from the preborn baby. However, there is a very thin layer that comes from the mother they call the ‘maternal layer’…that very thin layer is essential for the placenta to adhere to the wall of the uterus. That adherence — the super glue — is very important because the placenta of course is how the baby gets hydration, nutrition, and oxygen from the mother and sends his/her waste products back to the mother for exit.

“If that maternal part of the placenta is not being sustained by progesterone, what happens? The placenta separates, and that’s what leads to the death of the preborn baby.”
Click HERE to listen to this chapter of the podcast episode.
Is Abortion Pill Reversal dangerous for women?
Dr. Delgado responded to this common myth, saying, “It’s not dangerous at all. In fact, there is no evidence whatsoever or any research studies showing that Abortion Pill Reversal carries any danger. Studies have shown that the birth defect rate is about the same as the general population. Therefore, it does not increase the risk of birth defects, and the preterm birth rate is actually lower than the general population (2.7 percent versus 10 percent in the U.S.) …Abortion Pill Reversal is both safe and effective.”

Click HERE to listen to this chapter of the podcast episode.
How successful is Abortion Pill Reversal?
As a proponent of the Abortion Pill Reversal Network, Dr. Delgado shared that just within the network, more than 4,500 preborn babies have been saved through this protocol. Additionally, he shared that with the best protocols, studies have shown that the success rate of reversal is 68%. A huge majority of pregnancies are able to be saved through APR!
You can also read a recent SFLA blog entitled “We Told You So: New Study Proves Again that the Deadly Impact of Chemical Abortion Pills can be Reversed – If a Mother Attacks Quickly.”
To learn more about APR, watch this entire episode HERE.
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